2007....Which races are YOU interested in...

By: doctormatt06
Published On: 11/17/2006 3:31:40 PM

With the 2007 election season rapidly approaching, two things are becoming evident.  Number one, the time for emerging races to begin to surface to the top, is upon us.  Number two, good GOD we have elections every year here, it never ends... IT NEVER ENDS!!!! GAHHH!!!!

But I digress...

So today, I want to know...which districts, which candidates, which races, are important to you....!

Want to know mine?  Come with me after the jump... (pounces)
My two top picks for the 2007 State races are

For the Senate

Jeannemarie Devolites Davis

Mrs. Conservative in Sheep's clothing, has pissed off the right somehow, because they view her as being too moderate (AS IF!!).  With that lack of energy for her, and the extreme boost of energy in the Northern Virginia Democratic Parties, we are going to rock her right out of the Senate (Goodbye, too bad, soo sad).

For the House

Jack Reid

As a former citizen of the Talented Mr. Reid's district, I was dissapointed when the local party didn't run a candidate (I was going to run, but was persuaded that I was too liberal and too young to run) against Mr. "Whoops I shot my gun in the Capitol" Reid.  Let met just say I was VERY dissapointed.  But we have a new year, so I'm hoping the Henrico Democrats get their act together and boot the idiot out.  Let's just say, it would be a shot in the dark if he loses, much like his entire legislative career.

Well...now your turn!!!


Nothing (Gordie - 11/17/2006 4:21:20 PM)
pisses me off more then some one telling some one else they are too liberal or too young to run for office. Just who in the heck do they think they are? Did they then step up to the plate or did they run with their defeatist attitude and hide in their own space complaining.

Here in Nelson County I want Wat Abbitt out. He claims to be an Independant, yet he is always at Republican functions and I have never seen him at a Democratic function. To me he is another do nothing just like Virgil Goode. Rides the fence were the money is and then votes that way. I personally dispise people who can not think or act from their own principles.

  The rumor is some one is stepping up to the plate in the 59th district. And when they do, they will have my full support.

Va. legislative district maps? (KCinDC - 11/17/2006 4:59:29 PM)
Are there decent maps of the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates districts online somewhere? All the links I find seem to lead to a state government site that's dead.

Yes... (doctormatt06 - 11/17/2006 5:21:06 PM)
Actually there are...I used them for a class project a week ago...I don't remember the site...try googling 2001 redistricting and virginia, and maybe it will take you to the site, its all on .pdf files.

That sounds like the site I keep running into (KCinDC - 11/17/2006 5:43:40 PM)
I keep seeing links to PDFs that are at dlsgis.state.va.us, but that site was down yesterday and is still down today. I figured it was dead, but maybe it will come back up at some point. In any case, it's useless for now.

Wayback Machine to the rescue (KCinDC - 11/17/2006 5:48:40 PM)
The Internet Archive has them (though it's a bit slow at the moment): House and Senate.

Thanks for the link (tidewater_roots - 11/19/2006 8:52:23 PM)
was also looking for it.
(I'm Predictor on Swing State BTW).

Dem pick ups (elevandoski - 11/19/2006 9:09:27 PM)
In the Senate, I'd like to see Dems pick up Nick Rerras' seat.  In the House, like everybody else I'd like to see Sideshow Bob booted.  I'd also like to see John Welch picked off.  His district is leaning very blue these days and on the heels of his filing bankruptcy recently he is vulnerable.  FYI... Welch was one of the 4 co-patrons of 2004's HB751.  Robert G. Marshall was of course the chief patron, along with co-patrons David B. Albo , Richard H. Black (OUT!), Mark L. Cole, John J. Welch, III.