Another Anecdote (From Rhode Island)

By: PaulVa
Published On: 11/13/2006 11:34:37 AM

I know this is short, but I anted to share this with everyone here.

I spent the week leading up to election day exclusively in Rhode Island helping an old friend get elected to a position in Lincoln, RI (he won) and helping out with the Sheldon Whitehouse campaign.
A group of us spent election night at a Democratic candidates' party in Lincoln before heading off to Providence for the Whitehouse victory speech. 

Worrying like crazy about the Virginia polls and making phone calls to everyone back here about what districts hadn't reported yet, I was a nervouis wreck.  This was a stark contrast to what was going on in Providence where people were exhuberant about the Democratic sweep but still wondering about Virginia.

After the Whitehouse speech, I raced home to watch the returns come in from Virginia and Montana, but primarily Virginia.  That is when I heard that Webb had pulled ahead with 99% polling.

The best feeling came when I called my friend and told him Webb had pulled ahead with 99%.  I heard him over the phone shpout that Webb had won to the crowd and amid shouts of "Webb Won" the roar after that was unforgettable.  I can honestly say that we made everyone's night that night, not only here but around the country and especially in Providence that moment.
