Le Monde story leads with Webb victory

By: PM
Published On: 11/9/2006 10:21:52 AM


Jim Webb l'a emport+¬ face +á George Allen, en Virginie, selon les m+¬dias am+¬ricains.

Les d+¬mocrates ont pris le contr+¦le du S+¬nat, selon les m+¬dias am+¬ricains
LEMONDE.FR avec AFP | 09.11.06 | 06h41  GÇó  Mis +á jour le 09.11.06 | 08h24

Pour la premi+¿re fois depuis 1994, les d+¬mocrates ont pris le contr+¦le des deux Chambres du Congr+¿s. Les d+¬mocrates devenus majoritaires +á la Chambre des repr+¬sentants ont parfait leur triomphe, mercredi 8 novembre, en conqu+¬rant le S+¬nat. Selon les cha+«nes de t+¬l+¬vision NBC et CBS, le d+¬mocrate Jim Webb a remport+¬ le si+¿ge tr+¿s disput+¬ de s+¬nateur d+¬tenu par le r+¬publicain George Allen en Virginie. Les d+¬mocrates disposent ainsi de 51 si+¿ges sur 100 au S+¬nat.


Les r+¬publicains, qui contr+¦lent la Maison Blanche depuis 2001, avaient la majorit+¬ +á la Chambre des repr+¬sentants depuis 1994 et contr+¦laient +¬galement le S+¬nat depuis douze ans, +á l'exception d'une br+¿ve p+¬riode entre 2001 et 2003. Les d+¬mocrates devraient compter au moins 229 repr+¬sentants +á la Chambre des repr+¬sentants, 51 s+¬nateurs et 28 gouverneurs sur 50.

Pour obtenir la majorit+¬ au S+¬nat, les d+¬mocrates avaient besoin d'enlever au moins six si+¿ges aux r+¬publicains sans en perdre un seul. Peu d'analystes jugeaient cette performance possible +á la veille des +¬lections. Outre la Virginie, ils ont enlev+¬ aux r+¬publicains un si+¿ge de s+¬nateur dans le Montana, dans le Missouri, en Ohio, en Pennsylvanie et dans le Rhode Island.


Dans le Montana et en Virginie, la victoire a +¬t+¬ obtenue +á l'arrach+¬ +á quelques milliers de voix pr+¿s. Dans ces deux Etats, les s+¬nateurs sortants r+¬publicains refusent toujours de reconna+«tre leur d+¬faite m+¬me si les experts estiment que la victoire d+¬mocrate, m+¬me t+¬nue, est sans appel.

"Les Am+¬ricains ont indiqu+¬ clairement et sans h+¬sitation que les d+¬mocrates devaient conduire ce pays vers une nouvelle direction", a affirm+¬ Harry Reid, chef des d+¬mocrates du S+¬nat. "Que ce soit en Irak ou aux Etats-Unis, les Am+¬ricains sont fatigu+¬s des +¬checs enregistr+¬s" depuis le d+¬but du mandat de George W. Bush, a-t-il ajout+¬.

Le pr+¬sident am+¬ricain, lors d'une conf+¬rence de presse organis+¬e au lendemain des +¬lections qui le condamnent +á cohabiter avec le Parti d+¬mocrate pour les deux derni+¿res ann+¬es de sa pr+¬sidence, a aussi indiqu+¬ qu'il assumait une "large part de responsabilit+¬" pour la "racl+¬e" essuy+¬e.

La future pr+¬sidente de la Chambre des repr+¬sentants, Nancy Pelosi, qui doit d+¬jeuner jeudi +á la Maison Blanche, a promis de faire de la prochaine l+¬gislature, qui entrera en fonction en janvier, "le Congr+¿s le plus honn+¬te, le plus +¬thique et le plus ouvert de l'Histoire".


Tres, tres bien! (Lowell - 11/9/2006 10:30:21 AM)
Believe it or not, one of the Republicans manning my precinct's polling stations on Election Day was strongly anti-France. In fact, that seemed to be one of his big issues.  Why?  Because he's Jewish and France is "anti-Semitic."  Huh?!?  Just for the record, France has the 4th largest Jewish population in the world, and is certainly no more anti-Semitic than Russia (#3).  Very strange.

Remember how anti-French people were at the start of the Iraq War? (PM - 11/9/2006 10:40:04 AM)
I wonder what the attitude is now

Ironically, Allen should be able to translate this story for us

Guys like that need to know about the truth about the French ... (loboforestal - 11/9/2006 1:46:08 PM)

"Here rest about fifty dead French unknown
soldiers who died at Yorktown for America independence 1781"

We can't ever fully repay the debt we own the French.

Growing up nearby (Chris from ASL - 11/10/2006 12:24:53 AM)
I got to know that history...when I tell folks from other areas about that, they try hard to discount that...I tell them to look it up...do they ever? I doubt it.

Ever hear of bablefish? (Josh - 11/9/2006 10:40:33 AM)

The democrats took the control of the Senate, according to American media's

For the first time since 1994, the democrats took the control of the two Rooms of the Congress. The democrats become majority with the Room of the representatives have perfect their triumph, Wednesday November 8, as a conqueror the Senate. According to the chains of NBC television and CBS, the democrat Jim Webb gained the very disputed seat of senator held by the republican George Allen in Virginia. The democrats have 51 seats thus out of 100 with the Senate.

The republicans, who control the White House since 2001, had had the majority with the Room of the representatives since 1994 and also controlled the Senate for twelve years, except for a short period between 2001 and 2003. The democrats should count at least 229 representatives with the Room of the representatives, 51 senators and 28 governors out of 50.

To obtain the majority with the Senate, the democrats needed to remove at least six seats with the republicans without losing only one of them. Few analysts considered this performance possible with the day before of the elections. In addition to Virginia, they removed with the republicans a seat of senator in Montana, Missouri, in Ohio, in Pennsylvania and in Rhode Island.


In Montana and in Virginia, the victory was obtained with the snatch with a margin of a few thousands of voice. In these two States, the republican outgoing senators always refuse to recognize their defeat even if the experts estimate that the democratic victory, even thin, is without call.

"the Americans indicated clearly and without hesitation that the democrats were to lead this country towards a new direction", affirmed Harry Reid, chief of the democrats of the Senate. "That it is in Iraq or in the United States, the Americans are tired failures recorded" since the beginning of the mandate of George W. Bush, it added.

The American president, at the time of a press conference organized at the following day of the elections which condemn it to cohabit with the democratic Party for the two last years of its presidency, as indicated as it assumed a "big part of responsibility" for "scraped" wiped.

The future president of the Room of the representatives, Nancy Pelosi, which must lunch Thursday at the White House, promised to make forthcoming legislature, which will take up duty in January, "the most honest Congress, most ethical and most open of the History".

Jim Webb carried vis-a-vis with George Allen, in Virginia, according to American media's.

Les démocrates ont pris le contrôle du Sénat, selon les médias américains

Vg : Les dirigeants Démocrates sont probablement (comme les Républicains) également milliardaires mais il y aura en tout état de cause une grande différence avec les "Néocons" : Les démocrates ne sont pas en conversation 3 heures par jour avec Dieu...
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Better than most translations I've seen from them LOL (PM - 11/9/2006 10:49:51 AM)
Here's an interesting anecdote I had not heard, from an Australian paper:


Victors' unity may not hold for long
David Nason, New York correspondent
November 10, 2006
SENATOR George Allen's defeat in Virginia has given the Democrats full control of Congress for the first time since 1994 and ended the political career of a man once considered a frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008.

That much is obvious. But Senator Allen's demise has another significant consequence: it releases US marines from the nauseating experience of travelling with Senator Allen to places such as Guantanamo Bay.

At the end the dirtiest and most mean-spirited US election campaign in living memory, the revolting story of Senator Allen's marine-escorted trip to Gitmo is hard to beat.

Senator Allen chews tobacco, a disgusting habit he took up in his early teens. It involves gnawing and sucking on a wad of "chaw" until the build-up of saliva requires the brown juices to be spat out. Hence the term "spit tobacco".

As Illinois senator Dick Durbin told it in the Chicago Sun-Times, Senator Allen is so addicted he spent an entire trip to Gitmo on a military aircraft dribbling brown saliva into a plastic cup as clean-cut, ramrod-straight marines sitting opposite tried not to gag. ***

Some of us read French too (Chris from ASL - 11/10/2006 12:20:04 AM)
I welcome more posts in French...especially about our good victory.  I read this newspaper a lot when I was in France in 2000.  J'aime votre poste (Je ne sais pas le mot pour "post"). :-)