Lowell is right Mr. Allen, The Virginia Election Board Top Cheese Spoke on CNN News

Published On: 11/8/2006 5:41:29 PM

She said, Virginia Elections are not confusing, When I voted we used E-Machines, the Lady put a number by my name (I think I was number 417) and she gave me a vote card, It's not rocket science, if 1500 people were checked off on the vote log books and the machines counted 1500 votes when the polls closed, there is no mystery or fraud. the only recount would be absentee votes. If there is over 7000 absentee fraud votes, Virginia has major problems. Like Lowell said, WE are not talking a 1000 votes or 500 votes or 100 or 50 votes difference. WE ARE TALKING OVER 7000 vote difference, again if we have over 7000 absentee ballots in fraud, then by all means call the F.B.I. but until then respect the citizen's will and go lobby for the N.R.A. or lobby for The sons of the Confederacy or take an Embassy Job in Sadr City, Iraq
