
By: TurnVirginiaBlue
Published On: 11/4/2006 10:56:56 PM

Let's talk truth on Webb on immigration.

1.  Allen is co-sponsor of the Skil Bill, S. 2691.
What is the Skil Bill?  It's actually a rehash of the Senate comprehensive immigration bill pulling out the heavily lobbied for guest worker Visas being shoved down working America's throats as well as lied about (there is no worker shortage, especially in high tech!) by the corporate cheap labor lobby.  These Visas are full of fraud and are used to labor arbitrage and displace American workers, especially computer scientists and engineers.

2.  The Senate Comprehensive Immigration Bill or S.2611.  Allen voted against it, yet magically co-sponsored the Skill Bill in order to "salvage" the provisions and massive, massive guest worker Visas increases and new ones desired by corporate lobbyists!  Webb has said he would have voted no on this bill.
3.  Allen has voted against border security repeatedly.

Webb has said we must secure the border first as well as fix the broken infrastructure system.  Allen has voted against enforcing employment law and punishing employers who exploit and encourage illegal labor.  Webb is for enforcing employment law and punishing illegal employers.  He is especially focused on those corporations/big businesses that are behind the illegal "easy to exploit and pay nothing" lobbyists who actively recruit illegal labor on a global scale.

4.  Allen has never met a guest worker Visa he didn't love.  Webb, says "working America 1st" and is against those labor arbitraging Visas.

So, what is Allen harping on?  Webb says he thinks it's fair for those really established in the United States, contributing members to the community, who have truly established roots and are basically given a method to become legal.  Well, well....isn't that awful...
to not want to uproot some people who have been here 15 years, not using social services and so forth when the US itself encouraged illegal immigration in the 1st place?

Who has the better immigration positions?  The labor arbitraging corporate exploitable labor lobby representative or Webb, who has a well thought out position to truly provide border and national security and actually solve this problem, not displace American workers yet not do something absolutely inhumane later on a case by case basis?

hmmm....which one will actually hurt American workers, which one will actually actually stop the exploitation of illegal labor and stop the US being an economic refugee camp, ripe for further exploitation?

There is only one thing about doing things piecemeal, which is valid, is if a pathway to citizenship is announced in a comprehensive immigration plan there will indeed be a flood into the nation to try to get citizenship.  So the only way to address this is to fix the system and secure the borders first before deciding to do anything about the people already here.  That is NOT deportation, that is leave it status quo until we secure the borders and fix USCIS/employer verification & enforcement.

Who has the better position that is fair and truly addresses one of the major concerns by the immigration special interest groups, which are the lowering of wages, the erosion of employment law enforcement and standards within the US, the use of social services and other labor economics aspects.

Webb is the true immigration reform candidate.  We must stop corporate lobbyists trying to manipulate US immigration policy as a tool to control domestic labor markets, further age discriminate, labor arbitrage and generally treat workers like disposable diapers and thus gain a cartel like control over domestic labor markets on a global scale.


Beat Allen (loboforestal - 11/4/2006 11:45:35 PM)
Allen talks "free market" but then goes out of his way to subsidize wealthy companies.  Allen wants the goverment to pick the winners and losers.  The winners in Allen's book are the already wealthy.  The losers are American working families.

Webb's standing up for American workers. 

The only way to make Allen understand that he's wrong is to defeat him on Tuesday.  He may have the big bucks PAC contributions but he doesn't have the voters.

Go Jim and Go Virigina!!!

GeorgeTown University Study (TurnVirginiaBlue - 11/5/2006 2:59:41 AM)
This study is long but here is the abstract:

This report presents projections of the foreign-born computing and engineering (C&E)
workforce that recent Senate legislation could admit in the next one, two, five, and ten

The projections suggest that the legislation could admit an immigrant computing and engineering workforce that
is just more than 5 times greater than today’s levels of admission.

And the projection of immigrants under S.2611 exceeds the total foreign-born labor force in C&E that is
consistent with projections of future employment demand by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The legislation could admit foreign computing and engineering workers in numbers much greater than historical trends or casual assumptions about future employment.

Please remember that the Skil Bill IS S.2611 with respect to the professional Visas plus even more provisions (L-1), so this study showing how the total number of guest worker Visas would exceed the total number of jobs in computer science and engineering projected, is now actually conservative. 

Dr. Norm Matloff has detailed analysis at the bottom of this post.

Good post - two issues here that I see (relawson - 11/5/2006 7:35:22 PM)
There are two distinct parts to this, one is illegal immigration and the other is legal immigration.  I'll start with legal immigration.

My self-interest is in stopping the abuse of the legal immigration program.  It is harmful to American IT workers in the sense that more workers arrive on these visas than new IT jobs are created. 

Do the math - it is not hard to see why labor groups don't like H-1b and L1 visas.  The additional competition drives down wages; on average the guest workers in technology earn more than 20% less than American workers.  This program is more about cheap labor than skilled labor.

That argument will probably satisfy most labor groups.  If you need more, the other side of the argument is that these programs are harmful to the immigrants and amount to indentured servitude. 

I have in my possession a contract between a "body shop" and a H-1b visa holder.  The contract has heavy penalties if the H-1b worker changes jobs - $25,000 plus threatened deportation.  I can't release to contract as is, because it has names, but I just bought a scanner so tonight I'll try and clean it up for release. 

Companies use their heavy-handed control over the immigrants to create what I call "slavery-light".

If you hate immigrants and think they should be slaves to corporations - vote for Allen.  If you hate American labor and want them to compete with slave labor, once again vote for George Allen.  ComputerWorld magazine named him the top IT-corporation friendly Senator - and for good reason.  These corporate-owned politicians are destroying our country.

On the illegal immigration front, Jim Webb supports building a fence.  He also supports going after employers who hire them.  I believe the root of the problem is employers who won't obey the law, and by simply going after employers most of the problem will be resolved.