Will Kilgore play the Blame Game?

By: Dan
Published On: 8/9/2005 1:00:00 AM

Jerry Kilgore wants to drastically cut taxes while privatizing government services; a measure that could reduce jobs, enable mass layoffs, and even lead to the outsourcing of Virginia jobs overseas.  By doing this Kilgore could risk squandering the surplus it took Mark Warner and Tim Kaine four years to regain, but the scary part is that even if this happens, he can still blame Mark Warner and Tim Kaine!

How could he pull off this masterful pile of bovine excrement, you ask?  Easy - he will just do what President Bush did when everything went wrong during his first term:  Blame President Clinton!

Think about it:  You have a conservative Republican challenging the Lt. Governor who joined the popular Democratic Governor in balancing the budget.  Eerily reminiscent of the 2000 Presidential election isn't it?  Just picture November of 2000. After nearly 8 years of peacetime, and a sustained economic boom, the economy stopped growing at the same lightning pace and conservatives, who had spent 8 years forcing the hand of Bill Clinton to compromise with them, now had some ammo to take down Al Gore in the 2000 election.  For 8 years they had done whatever they could to protect people from the machinations of "liberal America" - or in other words, they had done whatever they could to protect their wealthy campaign contributors from any discomfort.

These conservative gurus felt it was time to elect a strong conservative to return America to the glory days of Ronald Reagan, when conservatives ruled, and all those whiny Democrats could do was yell at Government officials for doing nothing more than selling arms to Iran and providing intelligence support to Saddam Hussein.  The nerve of those Democrats, huh?

In January of 2001, Bush entered the White House faced with only a moderate budget surplus to deal with, and within a few short years - MADE THINGS WORSE!  It took over a quarter-century of nipple-twisting to get a balanced budget (even a surplus) and almost immediately, Bush (not Clinton) cut taxes deeply during a time when people weren't inclined to spend money, Bush (not Clinton) ignored reports of terrorist attacks from memos and leading advisers, and 9/11 happened, Bush (not Clinton) went into Iraq, where billions of dollars have disappeared unaccounted for. 

Now budget cuts in government are an unfortunate reality.  In a time when we need technological advancements in energy, health care, and economic development we can't afford it anymore because the deficit is larger than ever before.  Despite all of these problems, Bush is still popular, especially among his base.  Even those who get kicked off their family farms to make way for agribusiness, or small business owners run out of town by large corporations who pay minimum-wage and outsource overseas, seem to vote for the same lovable Texas Republican who imperiled them in the first place.

Because of this masterful Republican spin, they blame the person who actually cut their taxes and protected them from extinction (Bill Clinton).  If elected, Jerry Kilgore will do the same thing as President Bush.  He will simply blame Mark Warner and Tim Kaine every time he creates a problem.  When his budget cuts and private outsourcing cripple the livelihood of Virginia's most vulnerable residents and businesses, he'll claim the surplus wasn't large enough or that Warner and Kaine had prevented economic growth, or the problems are just part of an economic trend that he couldn't do anything about. 

The parallel here is crystal clear: If Kilgore models himself after President Bush, he models himself after a man who refuses to take responsibility for his mistakes. We can't have that in Virginia, not now, not ever, and we must elect someone like Tim Kaine who wants to be held accountable and wants to prove that he can lead Virginia and provide for all Virginian's. Let's get Tim Kaine into the Governor's seat and then Kilgore will have no one left to blame but himself.
