CDL - Confuse, Distort and Lie

By: sndeak
Published On: 11/1/2006 5:50:45 PM

Once again we have seen the press take the republican  'CDL' hook, line and sinker. It's been THE news story for the last 3 days now.

First they confuse the issues. Then they distort the targeted issue. Lastly, they lie about it.
This is exactly what they did with the Kerry comment. The republicans chose to confuse the issues. Making this a major issue when it was simply a gaff in a speech.

Now, once they have successfully changed the subject and gotten the press to bite,  they distort the truth. Anyone who is willing to listen and watch the video with an OPEN MIND will immediately figure out what really happened.

And lastly they lie. I can't put it any simpler than that. Bold faced lies. Daring people to challenge them. Because when we do, it stays in the news. And if we don't, we look weak.

Now, we need to put the focus back where it belongs. The botched War in Iraq, the outsoucing of jobs, the lack of integrity in the republican party, stem cell research, minimum wage and the do nothing congress.


I think you've nailed it (Todd Smyth - 11/2/2006 1:55:39 PM)