George Allen Presents: A New Despicable Lie

By: KathyinBlacksburg
Published On: 11/1/2006 2:06:32 PM

Now the latest George Allen ad falsely claims that James Webb would give Social Security benefits to immigrants who have put nothing into the system.  Social Security earnings are based precisely on what we put into it (and what our employers do).  James Webb has said nothing of the kind.  But George Felix Allen, Jr. is trying to scare Virginians into believing otherwise.  He's played into xenophobia and taxpayer frustation all in one fell swoop.  And he's convoluted all sorts of issues which can't be lumped together.  Allen has yet to put forth a true ad.  There ought to be a law.


actually not quite correct (teacherken - 11/1/2006 2:13:37 PM)
full social security eligibility is earned by 10 years participation in the system.  Everyone receives the same benefit if they wait until the same age to draw benefits.  It does not matter how much you as an individual put in, only that you qualify by at least 10 years participation.

That could be a native born woman who only goes to work after his children are out of college and her husband leaves her, or an immigrant who comes here and works legally, becoming a citizen by normal processes.

The point is... (KathyinBlacksburg - 11/1/2006 3:12:47 PM)
The point is: the ad says one could get benefits despite putting nothing in.

Also (KathyinBlacksburg - 11/1/2006 3:17:44 PM)
A woman who takes leave from when her children are in the home and then goes back to work gets a negligible pension, even though, she has more than forty quarters.  This will be true even if we (myself and spouse) take the benefit at the same time. But again, we are getting off track.  The ad tells voters people can draw benefits despite putting nothing in.

And finally... (KathyinBlacksburg - 11/1/2006 4:34:21 PM)
However, Ken, you have a point in that I shouldn't have given the implication that it's based on the amount we put in.  Rathe,r it's based primarily on the fact that we and our employers did contribue and for sufficient time.