George Will Ridicules George Allen

By: Lowell
Published On: 11/1/2006 6:51:25 AM

In today's Washington Post, conservative columnist George Will mocks, ridicules, and otherwise makes fun of George Allen.  This is hilarious, and so true it's, well, not even funny!

Allen, who makes no secret of finding life as a senator tedious, is fighting ferociously for another term, a fate from which his Democratic opponent, Jim Webb, is close to rescuing him. As a result, Allen is dabbling in literary criticism. He has read, or someone has read for him, at least some of Webb's six fine novels, finding therein sexual passages that have caused Allen -- he of the football metaphors, cowboy regalia and Copenhagen smokeless tobacco -- to blush like a fictional Victorian maiden and fulminate like an actual Victorian man, Anthony Comstock, the 19th-century scourge of sin who successfully agitated for New York and federal anti-obscenity statutes and is credited with the destruction of 160 tons of naughty printed matter and pictures.

Webb, a highly decorated Marine veteran of Vietnam combat, includes sexual scenes in his fictional depictions of young men far from home and close to combat, something about which he knows a lot and Allen does not...

Exactly right, Mr. Will.  You have discovered what the majority of Virginians have now found out about George Allen, that he doesn't know a lot about a whole LOT of things.  That he's a phony.  And that, as Jim Webb said the other day, he has "nothing to report."  So, we say, good riddance to this book-burning, cultureless, clueless "character assassin," a guy who wishes he had been born in Iowa and who is so "bored" in the U.S. Senate he wants us to re-elect him. Well, George Allen will be learning what the voters of Virginia think about THAT idea in just 6 days from now.

P.S.  Did you see the smackdown of Allen by yet ANOTHER leading conservative, William F. Buckley, Jr?  It seems like true, principled conseervatives have pretty much abandoned Allen in droves.  Of course, why WOULD they support a guy who has violated consevative principles on economics, foreign policy, small government, and libertarianism time and time again?

Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign.  The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.


RE; The Smack Down Times 3! (JPTERP - 11/1/2006 7:34:40 AM)
Margaret Carlson for Bloomberg News Service . . .

"Two polls taken after Allen's latest attack show him losing this latest skirmish. On Oct. 30, the Rasmussen Report showed Allen trailing Webb by 5 points, a seven-point swing in less than a week. An Opinion Research Corp. poll taken Oct. 26-29 had Webb up by four.

If those numbers hold, Allen may soon discover, voters are more upset about trashy campaigns than the supposed trash he finds in books he hasn't read."

There are also house eds in the Washington Post, Roanoke Times, and Daily Press about this issue as well.

The Rasmussen numbers suggest that most voters share these concerns as well. 

More about books in another Post article today (PM - 11/1/2006 8:39:36 AM)
In an article that followed Allen through a typical day's campaigning, this occurred at an NRA event:

If Webb's books were grist for fair debate, a reporter asked, should the book by Allen's sister Jennifer be scrutinized, particularly passages that claimed he had bullied her, dragging her by the hair and once dangling her over Niagara Falls?

The boosters fell quiet. Allen stayed composed. "That book is a novel and fiction," he said, "and I love my sister, and she had me escort her down the aisle when she got married. . . . She said it was a novelization of certain events, a lot of it from her perspective [as] . . . a young girl from her view of growing up in a fairly rough and rowdy family, but a lot of those are exaggerations."

"The boosters fell quiet."  How many of them knew about this?

At page C1 of today's Post.

Boy if they didn't know about it then it means (Catzmaw - 11/1/2006 3:14:52 PM)
that none of these people ever reads the newspaper.  I mean, come on, that's been news for weeks in the papers and on the internet.  Hope it got some people's attention.

Why I'll NEVER vote for the GOP Again (FormerRepublican - 11/1/2006 7:38:20 AM)
For as long as I've been voting, I've supported the GOP. What have I gotten for my support?

NO Border Security in THIS country
NO Immigration Reform
NO Social Security Reform
NO Health Care Reform

Instead, we've got 'dubya'. I honestly don't understand how my (former) party can support someone so vapid and banal as 'dubya'. The man has an IQ of a rock. He has no interest in people like me, until he needs my vote. No, I'm not rich, just  a middle class guy like most of you, trying to get ahead. It will never happen as long as people like 'dubya' and his sycophant supporters like George 'macacca' Allen are in power.

George 'macacca' Allen has shown time and time again he is a Racist, fearmongering, hatefull person.

He's from California (not the 'real world of virginia')
He's willing to hang a noose in his office
He's willing to call people of color 'macacca' and 'nigger'
He's not willing to stay for the full term as senator.

We can do better than George 'macacca' Allen.

Buckley's Allen Criticism on (PM - 11/1/2006 8:13:20 AM)

The reason I'm giving this link is that the far right reads

I am blown away by the Will piece


Post Editorial on Allen: Sex and the Sinking Candidate (PM - 11/1/2006 8:27:32 AM)

SEN. GEORGE ALLEN implored Virginians four weeks ago to focus less on personal attacks and more on "the issues" in his race for reelection. Now he has seized on an unlikely one: sex scenes in novels written by his Democratic opponent, James Webb. Now there's a pressing concern for Americans in 2006.

Mr. Allen, a Republican whose campaign professes profound moral shock that actual sex should occur in fiction, has spent months trying to extract himself from his own "macaca"-inspired tailspin. When all else failed -- including an Allen ad in which a woman accused Mr. Webb of misquoting her, although he never quoted her at all -- Mr. Allen apparently decided that what he needed was a sex scandal crafted to smear his rival and timed for the campaign's fourth quarter. Lacking such material in real life, he turned to Mr. Webb's novels, most of which concern the wartime experiences of soldiers and international intrigue. There he found -- horrors! -- sex. And what better place to spread the word than the Web site of Matt Drudge, the online gossip-monger. That ensured the story would be echoed by radio talk show hosts in high dudgeon.

Now the big finish to the smackdown.  The Post writer -- gasp! -- grabs a folding chair form the audience, jumps in over the ropes, and . . .

As it happens, Mr. Webb, a former Navy secretary, assistant secretary of defense and Marine company commander in Vietnam, is an acclaimed novelist whose books are widely read. Mr. Allen wouldn't say whether he'd read any of Mr. Webb's novels himself -- only that "I've been reading initiatives and ideas and I'm trying to motivate people and inspire people."

Mr. Allen certainly is an inspiration -- to anyone who believes that political campaigns may be won by diversions and dirty tactics, even as the candidate calls high-mindedly for a discussion of "the issues." Win or lose, he'll be remembered for his performance during this race, and not fondly.