Virginians Sen. Kent Conrad will tell you the truth of the grave dangers of debt.

Published On: 10/31/2006 3:40:29 AM

Sen. Kent Conrad has preached the dangers of not paying our national debt for years,Our Vice President calls Kent Conrad and the other Pay and Go Democrats scare propagandist. If you Virginians want to hear the truth of this mismanaged debt, listen to Sen. Conrad. He speaks in easy to understand language and not technical economist mumbo jumbo language. I invite all Virginia Press and Media because it's a news story that will blow the citizens minds.He talks of our Credit Card Economy (A False Economy)and very young folks with mass credit card debt not even backed by a title to an automobile.Parents a fair warning about your young minded children hooked on credit cards,the credit card lobby with the bank and credit union lobbies through the rubber stamp republican party have stripped ALL Citizen Bankruptcy Laws from USA Federal Laws which translate into middle and low income terms that credit card are the drug of the future for young minds but there is no credit card debt rehab for these young folks who get these credit cards through simple fill in the blank mail forms, their wages can be garnished through courts to pay off the debt.Democrats want to go back to the Old Days of young folks getting loans and low "starter" credit and holding banks and credit card companies and credit unions responsible for the debt instead of young folks in their spending years, where parents co-sign for loans or students put car title on loan or low credit of $500 or less with yearly increase credit increase but still holding banks and credit unions and credit card companies responsible for their credit and loan grants. The K-Street Pimps want your young daughters and sons hooked on debt and work united with credit card companies to write the laws.
