I'm no Purple Finger Voter, I'm radical with a survival cause

Published On: 10/29/2006 11:39:51 PM

Folks I can't stress enough this election is not like any in history except maybe the 1932 election.If you snooze on this election, you will lose. I don't know all these players in the Bush and Cheney Mafia but they are very radical, like never before in history. They want a Rubber Stamp Supreme Court for Bill of Rights and Constitutional Issues and to change the Constitutional if needed.They want to phase-out Medicaid and Medicare and Social Security. They want to have full control of Federal Forests includingland sells and logging rights.They have sold some land in Virginia National Forests already.They want corporations to write Labor Laws including a well known fact that they have already tried to phase-out overtime pay. Folks in many Countries abroad there is a standard 48 work week with no overtime pay, they want to export this to Virginia, my brother works a mandated 48 work week now from company based in Texas. They want to abuse the Mexican Citizens escaping poverty with exempting them from USA Labor Laws. There whole Mega-Billion Profit Agenda is based on a Monopoly Control of ALL Branches of Governmemnt and to use the White House as a Headquarters for Business from No-bid Government Contracts to party line propaganda. A recent example was on the CNN Lou Dobb's Show was that a Bush-Cheney propaganda "talking-point" explaining factory jobs leaving America where because of high tech trained workers abroad.It was an Arrogant Insult to every Factory American worker from the 1930's to present, Americans invented mass productions of everything from Transportation to communications to medicine.They endorse outsourcing of American Jobs, they poured money into the recent Mexican Election to fix that election to control cheap labor and EPA Laws in that country. Folks their Agenda is not Criminal as long as they are voted in office by your vote and they know this and they are well versed in Law from their team of lawyers as we seen in Bill of Rights Violations. Most of the stuff they have done would be impeachable like loss of Tax Billions of Dollars in Iraq with no trace, Pouring Money into Mexican Elections through a third Party. They are dangerous for our Country because just like today my elderly mother told me in the Roanoke Times Sunday Paper there was an article on a Major Financial Crash heading towards the USA. I have not read the article but will in Time. We have to have somebody who will Stand Up to them and Say "This Offends Virginians and will not be accepted in Virginia borders" George Allen did not do this on the Medicare Drug Price Fix Scam, George Allen did not do this on the 2005-2206 Energy "Cola" Assistance adjusted to inflation for our poorest and elederly on fixed incomes to help with the High $200-$300 heating Bills, George Allen did not voice strong opposition to the Gasoline Price-fixing Scam with many of our citizens pumping $70 tanks of Gas and making $8.00 to $10 an hour, Elderly on fixed Social Security Incomes and Mountain Citizens commuting 50 to 100 Miles a Day back and forth to Work.George Allen is more than Welcome in our State but only as a Citizen "NOT" as a Proxy Protest Voice of the Mass Virginia Citizens. He has burned that bridge with us the working class.
