4 More Senate Seats,Republican Party Impeached by American Citizens

Published On: 10/28/2006 10:01:07 AM

In the 1932 Election,President Hoover said stay the domestic Course and things will get better but there was another choice for a new direction in America and for average households in American,the citizens rolled the dice with F.D.R. and a very democrat congress. F.D.R. backed by the mass citizens went radical and was called every name under the sun from the silver spoon elites including a Commie and he fought with The Republican Supreme Court on his New Deal Vision for America.Tell F.D.R. the Supreme Court is not Party Bias.F.D.R.'s first 100 day agenda earned him great respect with the people but think if Hoover would have won the election and the economy stayed on Auto-pilot? Today we have a "Reagan Economy" A Reagan Economy is a divided economy between the haves and the have nots,it looks good on paper and stock reports but is really an Aristocrat Economical Class Warfare Economy. I remember the Reagan Economy in the 1980's, the wages were very low due to high unemployment and the corporates knew they had a large pool of workers. Today these corporates have a pool of honest workers escaping poverty in their home country to work in America. Nothing wrong with that, it's called self-preservation and is a human trait. This last week I hope the democrats will push their first 100 hour agenda and their first 100 day agenda and we are told within their first 24 hours of a democrat majority congress a Minimum Wage Increase Package is ready to be voted on in a 15 minute vote the senate and house. We are also told the medicare and medicaid drug bill will be reversed to a Veteran Bulk Rate discount price. This will save our Country Billions of dollars.
