Beyond the silly Hatfield & McCoy feuds, Lies a Very dangerous Agenda

Published On: 10/28/2006 1:31:17 AM

Folks forget all the Gay Marriage, Abortion and other Republican masked issues of their real agenda. They could care less about abortions or gay marriage, their real agenda is MONEY and lots of it. After the 2004 Election a reporter asked President Bush if he planned on working with democrats, remember this was during a war and he said,"My Party has won some Political Capitol and I(Bush)plan to spend that "political capitol" and he did. Sen.Frist went on the senate floor with the biggest crime of fraud in our Nation's History, Right after Sen. Bob Graham of Florida had a chart with Veteran's Bulk Rate discount Drug Prices then Sen. Frist said in an open public forum on the Senate Floor that he had a lobby admendment in the medicare and medicaid drug bill to strike down "Price Negotiations" on Bulk Rate Drugs. They Rubber Stamped Frist's Admendment.Democrats had just witness a white collar crime of fraud againt taxpayers. The Republicans were Brave, Arogant and defiant in their mass numbers. During the Winter of 2005 and 2006, Sen. Clinton and other democrats requested a "COLA" (cost of living allowance)for the high $300-$400 Heating Bill Assistance to the Elderly and low Income on fixed Income, Again they stood in mass numbers and voted in lock-step "NO" They phased out all "Citizen Bankruptcy' including Medical Bankruptcy "BUT" left Corporate Bankruptcy on the books.This was Rubber Stamped in Lock-step Mass Vote.After the high gas fixed monopoly price scam and scandal broke wind and the cat was out the bag of energy companies mega-profits in Billions off the backs of working class Americans, the democrats requested an energy rebate for ALL Americans like the Bush $300 Tax Rebate to the Citizens in 2000. The Republicans once again voted "NO" in Lock-Step. They tried to phase-out overtime Laws, They tried to phase-out Social Security. Make NO mistake this election will affect every American from work labor laws to gas pump fixed monopoly pricing to home thermostat heating and cooling bills. Folks we no longer have a Government but instead an elected Mafia with lobby "speak easys"(secret drinking clubs in the USA Cities by invitation only during the late 1920's)that have secret energy meetings with the Vice President, have secret K-Street closed door meetings about our Social security Pensions and Insurance, sad to say we the citizens are exempt from these meetings. They even fabricated a war with our family members as if we were toy soldiers under their Christmas Trees. I give you All Fair Warning, if they control Congress we are doomed because they are Radical with a Corporate Mega-Profit Agenda, they are arrogant and blunt and in your face with their corporate agenda. They vote your taxes deducted from your paycheck for their company benefits or bridge project to their Island in Alaska (Bridge to Nowhere)while their Corporate friends pay no taxes. They endorse corporate oursourcing with Tax Loopholes on Trade. They are Very Dangerous for America because they want to take America back to the 1920's on Healthcare,EPA, Pensions and Labor Laws.
