Democrats: On Nov. 8 When You Look In the Mirror

By: myoldkyhmdem
Published On: 10/27/2006 3:06:17 PM

Will you see the reflection of someone who did all they could to elect Democratic candidates? 

Did you volunteer as much time as you possibly could?  Did you donate as much money as you could?  Did you blog to support the candidates or submit comments to blogs to support candidates?  Did you attend rallys, canvass, make phone calls to get out the vote, put a bumper sticker on your car, put a yard sign in your yard, talk to your neighbors, friends, co-workers etc...?

Will you have regrets because you could have done more?

Did you use your blog in a positive way to encourage every possible voter to get out there and vote for that long shot candidate no matter what the polls said OR did you let YOUR OWN EGO cause you to call a long shot race prior to the election based upon polls - for the republican incumbant?

Will you be able to look yourself in the mirror and say that you know YOUR OWN EGO didn't play a role in anything you did or didn't do?

Did you use your blog to complain that your area didn't receive the same marketing materials that another area received - or did you get off your butt and get out to a store and purchase some paint and get some donated boxes to make some signs to give out to people? If you didn't have enough campaign literature to distribute, did you use the info available to you on the internet to create a document and print it on paper you bought?  Were you creative and resourceful or did you choose to publicly bitch and moan about how poorly the campaign you claimed to support was being run?????

Public negativity will not further our party or our candidates.  There are appropriate times and forums for discussing concerns about how a campaign is/has been managed.  If you must vent your frustrations, I suggest you conduct these conversations via private email rather than public blogs/comments. 

Have we lost sight of what this election could mean to our country?  Have we forgotten how many of our soldiers have died this month in many have been wounded?

This election isn't about me or you or our egos or who can predict which candidate will win or lose by what percentage; it is about major life or death issues...the war, healthcare and affordable prescription drug coverage, jobs/the economy, immigration and the racial tension that surrounds this issue, education...too many things to list... 

When you look in the mirror on Nov. 8 will you see the reflection of someone who was scared of investing in the candidacy of a long shot because YOU WERE AFRAID OF LOSING AGAIN?

What has happened to us?  I have read so many things lately that could possibly influence people not to get out there and vote...we must encourage every person to get involved and get out there and vote!

There are 11 days to go...I challenge all loyal Democrats and anyone supporting Democratic Candidates to be positive about our candidates and their campaigns - when you don't like something get out there and do something about it...make signs, create literature, get donations, think outside the box, write your candidate and their staff a note of encouragement, take snacks by the campaign office...for staff and volunteers, do something...don't look in the mirror on November 8 and have regrets...

Every single VOTE makes a difference and that is what will win or lose this election - NOT POLLS -ACTUAL VOTES!!!!
