Blue Dog on the Loose!

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/1/2005 1:00:00 AM

Well, THIS should be interesting.  Steve Sisson, aka the "Blue Dog," aka "ObiWanBlueDoggie," has broken free from his master's yard and is now on the loose, running wild through the streets, hills and valleys of Virginia.  What does a "Blue Dog" do when it's escaped?  Hard to say, but my guess is it involves a great deal of sniffing around, peeing on forbidden fire hydrants, hanging out with other funny-colored dogs, nipping at politicians' heels, knocking over trash cans looking for God-knows-what, yapping and howling at the moon, and lots of digging.  I just hope the Blue Dog isn't rabid!  Anyway, welcome to the Virginia political blogosphere, Steve.

PS  For your first question, "ObiWanBlueDoggie," can you please -- without playing word games -- tell me what the difference is between "homophobia" and "anti-gay bigotry?"  They sure seem like the same thing to me!
