Tuesday Phone from Home Timpani Roll

By: tokatakiya
Published On: 10/17/2006 7:00:17 PM

I made 135 calls from home for Jim Webb today!
If you've been following this you may have noticed that I make more calls each day that I phone from home. That is because I keep getting more used to it and it gets easier everyday.

Today's highlights:

1 number I called had 5 strong Webb supporters!

I was thanked again for my efforts.

The best call was an answering machine. The guy was doing a Christopher Walken impersonation. Hi. Larious. I had trouble leaving the message because I was trying so hard not to laugh.

See? It is fun.

Anyway, I smashed through 1000 calls today. That's quite a milestone for me. But, remember, nobody is asking you to make 1000 calls (although that would be great). If you can just make a handful of calls everyday between now and the election, they will  add up.

I'd also like to point out that I did not have the high call total today. Another caller made 140 calls!

We can make the difference!



Wow, your effort is truly amazing. (Lowell - 10/17/2006 7:11:04 PM)
I'd say that everyone can easily set a goal of making 25 or 50 calls.  If 10,000 people do that, it would add up to between 250,000 and 500,000 calls, and that would make an enormous difference in this election.  Even if 1,000 people made 25 calls, it would mean 25,000 calls and could make a difference in the outcome of this election.  Just think about it...
