MP3: "I Trust Me"

By: Eric
Published On: 7/28/2005 1:00:00 AM

Do you think Jerry has trust issues?  Is his use, or overuse to be more precise, of "I trust..." a sorry attempt at creating another ridiculous campaign slogan?  Or is he simply trying to convince himself that he is trustworthy?

With his history of trust issues who could blame him? 

Is it the scandals and allegations of corruption in his own Scott County?  Could it be the use of illegal wiretapping to spy on Democrats?  Or is it his cadre of underworld friends?  Would you blame him if he felt the need to convince himself of his own honesty?  Is his campaign of 'Honest Reform' starting with himself?

And speaking of questions, how come every one of these sentences is a question?  Could it be that his questionable track record creates uncertainty and a lack of trust?

Jerry said 'trust', or a variant thereof, 30 times during his comments at the past debate - with the vast majority being in the form of "I trust", "I trusted", or "I will trust."  Does he really trust us Virginians that much?  Who knows with him, but it doesn't really matter.  We're not running for office, he is.  The question is whether we trust him, not if he trusts us.

We've put together a little audio number in tribute to Jerry's attempted trustworthiness.  In all fairness to Jerry, we have made a few enhancements (isn't technology wonderful?).  But not many. 

Listen to I Trust Me - featuring the vocal stylings of one J. Kilgore.


It's hard to know wh (KathyinBlacksburg - 4/4/2006 11:27:19 PM)
It's hard to know whether to laugh or cry (that a snake oil peddler of the trust you/trust me mold is actually running in this gubernatorial race).  Of course, there's some very good news in this.  If everyone could hear this "debate" and learn of the cowardly siting of it in W.Va by Kilgore, I think the rascal would go down. The contrast between Kaine and Kilgore is monumental.  So, bring on the CD.  Package it and mail it out!!!!!

PIAB is an ultra-coo (Genevieve - 4/4/2006 11:27:19 PM)
PIAB is an ultra-cool, uber-fun anti-Kilgore box o'swag yet to be determined and information still to be edited coming soon to a raisingkaine website near you. (stands for party in a box, see?)

And therefore, you (If you were actually there, I'd do my infamous pointing a finger threateningly at you move) must get one when they're done. All the cool kids will have one. :)

Eric, can we pleeeee (Genevieve - 4/4/2006 11:27:19 PM)
Eric, can we pleeeeeaaase burn a CD with all these wonderful mp3s on them as part of swag for PIAB? You could put it in cafepress, along with shirts, etc that say, "I trust the people." :D

Ok, so that would cost too much probably. But still. It'd be great.