Monday Phone from Home Timpani Roll

By: tokatakiya
Published On: 10/16/2006 5:47:21 PM

I made 120 calls for Jim Webb from home today!

Talking to two Allen supporters made me think of something that may keep some people who want to help Jim Webb win from phone banking.
Some people might think that when you get an Allen voter on the phone they will attack you with the same vitriol that we see on many of the Allen supporting blogs and in the comment sections of many pro-Webb blogs.

Don't worry about it.

The worst I have had is Allen supporters being slightly rude. Most people won't even be rude to you on the phone. They realize you are a person, like them, and a volunteer. They think I am wrong and I know they are wrong but you say thanks and move on to the next call. No harm done and you have eliminated them as people that need to be followed up on.

Then there are the strong Webb supporters.

The last person I spoke to today was a Webb supporter and she told me thank you for everything we are doing and that her and her husband "can't wait for November 7th". Me too.

I'm within striking distance of 1000 calls which puts me halfway to my goal. Join me. Its fun, its easy, and you don't even need to get up off the couch (I didn't this afternoon).

Volunteers are going to decide this election. This is your chance to make a difference in our democracy and affect the future of our nation and our world in a positive way.

Tell me another way you can do that sittin' on the couch?

PS: Please tell your volunteer story. You may inspire someone else to take action. Tell it here in the comments section, or on your won blog or diary.
