Diversity Matters Part Deux - Don't Be a Sucker

By: Todd Smyth
Published On: 10/16/2006 10:36:26 AM

Click image to play Quicktime movie

1947 Newsreel - Don't Be a Sucker - Harry Truman talks back to the right-wing. This is about the division of minorities and rise of a right-wing conservative agenda.  It looks frighteningly familiar.  They've just waited until enough people forgot.  Please watch and pass along.  E...Yikes!



Some people get it (PM - 10/16/2006 11:15:34 AM)
http://www.bruneitim...  This is a story on the macaca incident from Brunei, or the island of Borneo.  Yes, it's far away, and you'd think it might not interest Brunei readers, but obviously its newspaper publisher thinks so.  Allen's macaca outburst is now offending people in the far reaches of the globe.

I remember (Teddy - 10/16/2006 11:22:57 AM)
when the regufees began arriving from Europe, and we could hardly believe their stories. Here in the United States we even had a German American Bund, America Firsters, and "Father" Coughlin on the right supporting the Nazi agenda, and a real Ku Klux Klan burning crosses in a square in Charleston outside my hotel (the Francis Marion) when I visited my Southern grandparents. We had the huge unemployment of the Great Depression, and the Dust Bowl--- fascism promised jobs and trains that ran on time.  We Americans were not immune from the virus.

After Roosevelt and Churchill met at sea and proclaimed the Four Freedoms we had a specific vision of what we were fighting for which made it inevitable that, after the war, to fulfill the vision we had to look to Civil Rights to realize that vision for ourselves, the victors in the War.  But here were the same ol' same ol' naysayers, the left-over white supremecists of the South who followed "their" Negroes north to the wartime factories in Detroit and Gary, Indiana (big race riots).

So it took guts for Truman and the Democrats to step up to the plate, willing to lose their old post-Civil War base of Southerners on the question of Civil Rights, which at that time meant civil rights for blacks. The Republican Party was only too willing to fill the resulting vacuumn, making whatever compromises necessary to suck up disaffected Dixicrats. I remember saying to my Southern Grandmother back before World War II that the people who were Republicans up North (two dirty words in those days: Republican and North) were exactly the same people who were Democrats in the South.

What did your grandmother say? (thegools - 10/16/2006 5:50:37 PM)
..to your comparison.

This news reel is very good... (Loudoun County Dem - 10/16/2006 11:37:38 AM)
...I am forwarding a link to many friends.

btw, did you happen to notice the disclaimer after the end credit?

Yeah, I noticed that too (Chris from ASL - 10/16/2006 12:52:43 PM)
I was a little taken aback...the War Department (Defense Department)?

My only theory would be some of the Nazi footage (if there was any real footage) that was classified by our government might require that permission.

Well, it is released now and out for all to see. The clip was mighty exceptional!

The War Department was The Army (Teddy - 10/16/2006 1:17:31 PM)
back in those days and the Navy Department ran the Navy., So we had a marvelous bureaucratic idea after WWII: separate the Army Air Corps out and make it a stand-alone service, amalgamate all the armed ofrces into one Defense Department, and then they'd all get along together and cooperate. Just like Homeland Security.

Wow! Fascinating clip - thanks, Todd! (Kathy Gerber - 10/16/2006 1:40:38 PM)

Found it on Youtube (Todd Smyth - 10/16/2006 4:42:11 PM)
This works better

Don't Be A Sucker

That was really good! (thegools - 10/16/2006 5:52:42 PM)
Back then a propaganda machine worked for the good of the USA..........

Here's another one from WWII about the necessity of (Catzmaw - 10/17/2006 12:15:04 AM)
taxes for the war.  What a difference there is between the idea during WWII that the whole country was in the fight together and everyone had to do their bit, even if it was just paying taxes.  Now all a Republican has to do is utter the "t" word, even in time of war, and the vast self-interested American public will run screaming to the nearest voting booth to prevent it.  We all want the benefit of our military's service, but it's another thing to ask us to sacrifice for it.  No one in this administration has asked the American people to sacrifice anything but their sons and daughters if they happen to be military.  The rest of the country is being sold a bill of goods that says you can cut taxes, cut revenues, and still pay for a war.  They're the party of borrow and spend.

Look at this:


Thanks that was good (thegools - 10/17/2006 5:53:17 PM)

Oh, how timely.... (Hugo Estrada - 10/17/2006 12:06:22 PM)
I have been discussing the issue of the wall in the border with a few "conservatives." I put their name in quotation marks because the reality is that many of them are actually people harboring racist, anti-Mexican ideas, which was made clear once they started talking about the "dangers" of the Mexican "invasion."

And just as the film made it clear, we all belong to different minorities, and these people were not the exception.

Well, now  I got to share this film with this forum :)

Thanks for finding it.

Racial Segregated America in 1947 (Galenbrux - 10/18/2006 9:49:14 PM)
So the Greatest Generation fights WWII in Europe to defeat Nazism and its brand of racism, but most of them come home to America and defend racial segregation.

Perhaps that is why the War Department restricted the playing of the movie in America; it so full of hypocrisy. If this movie played in most American movie theaters in 1947, Black Americans would be forced to sit in the back of the theater or be refused admission all together.

So, I think this movie is remarkable, but for different reasons than most of you do.

By the way, did anyone see any Black people in the film?

There was one black man (Catzmaw - 10/19/2006 12:15:17 AM)
standing under the tree at the beginning of the creepy guy's rant.  He's wearing a hat.  It was not the War Department which restricted playing the movie.  Truman had already started moving toward desegregating the armed forces and wanted all the help he could get.  It was the movie theaters themselves which didn't show it for fear of offending their audiences. 

It really depended on where in the country the WWII vets were returning to that determined whether those vets were fighting to keep segregation.  There's a sad story of a train loaded with wounded heading south down the east coast at the end of the war.  When it got to Alexandria it was stopped so the black vets could be separated from the white vets.  There were reports that this caused great protests from the white vets, especially the ones from states without Jim Crow laws, many of whom had grown close to their black compatriots in the military hospitals and during transport.

The armed forces threw a lot of people together from different races and religions during the war, and this contact probably helped set the stage for the rise of civil rights twenty years later. 

The professor from Hungary (wildwest - 10/19/2006 8:59:23 AM)
He lives today in the person of George Soros!