Another Day, Another Republican Sex Scandal?

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/13/2006 4:19:52 PM

Another day, another Republican sex scandal

Federal prosecutors in Arizona have opened a preliminary investigation of a camping trip Congressman Jim Kolbe, R-Ariz., took 10 years ago that included two teenage congressional pages, a Justice Department spokesman told NBC News...


NBC News interviewed several people who were on the trip, and their accounts vary. One participant, who requested anonymity, said he was uncomfortable with the attention Kolbe paid to one of the former pages. He was "creeped out by it," he said, adding that there was a lot of "fawning, petting and touching" on the teenager's arms, shoulders and back by Kolbe.

Of course, this may turn out to be nothing.  Still, it seems like it's never a dull moment involving Republican lawmakers and underage male pages. What gives?

Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign.  The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.


This could be a trick (Dan - 10/13/2006 5:01:27 PM)
Jim Kolbe is, to my knowledge, the only openly-gay Republican Congressman.  He has said that he knew about Foley in 2000 and alerted people about it.  He might be a Republican scapegoat, and Karl Rove might be behind this one.  Just be careful not to fall into their trap.  Next thing we'll see is how the moderate-liberal Republican gays are taking over the party, and liberals put them up to it with their lax laws and political correctness on child predators.  This sounds like a red flag to me, and although nobody will probably listen to me, anyone who tries to make an issue out of this will make Karl Rove very happy indeed.  JUST LEAVE THIS ONE ALONE!!!

To use a Dennis Miller line..."Of Course, that's only my opinion, I could be wrong"

Of course they were female (Dan - 10/13/2006 5:09:53 PM)

Tell me more, Dan (Teddy - 10/13/2006 5:27:21 PM)
We already know that zealots like the neo-republicans running things over the past decade eat their children, but this is getting kinda convoluted: setting up a known gay republican Senator for a sex charge about under-aged teenaged girls? That is Byzantine enough to appeal to Snarl Rover, but what makes you think so? (Full disclosure: I graduated from the University of Arizona myself, although several generations ago, but I do have an interest).

It's getting old ... (Catzmaw - 10/13/2006 5:36:45 PM)
This stuff is getting a little old. Now we've got people saying they saw stuff that made them uncomfortable but they didn't say anything at the time, but now that they think of it TEN YEARS LATER, yada, yada, bad pervy Republican, yada, yada.

All this attention to possible sex scandals is beginning to make us seem obsessed with it, and the next step is another dive by the Republicans into the cesspool of Democrats who have illicit sex.  Looking back at the whole Clinton fiasco, how much of this country's attention was taken up with sexual peccadillos as opposed to real issues?  I just don't want a return to the bad old days.

We're at war and our country's in crisis.  Sure, pervy people from either party should be cast out and maybe stoned, but let's not get distracted from the real message, which has a lot more to do with saving American (and Iraqi) lives, saving our economy, preserving our civil liberties, and repairing our fractured foreign relationships.  If Kolbe's a bad guy who diddled some kid, let the prosecutors knock themselves out going after him, but I would worry about whether they're going after him for political reasons or because he happens to be openly gay. 

ANOTHER ONE (and this one is really EEEUUUUUUW) (PM - 10/13/2006 5:37:09 PM)
Failed GOP Congressional candidate, and a fund raiser for GOP candidates: http://www.craigpac....  Gave money to Jerry Kilgore and Bob McDonnell: http://www.craigpac....  Interestingly, he also gave to Ralph Reed and John Shimkus, and few others.  What an interesting, smallish group.

His transgressions?  Reported in The Tennessean at:http://www.tennessea...

[His wife alleged] that he had committed adultery, verbally abused her and frequently watched pornography at home. On Thursday, Evans announced that she has dropped out of the ABC show “Dancing with the Stars” to give her family her full attention.  According to the document filed in chancery court, Schelske allegedly has on his computer at least 100 photographs of himself posing in an aroused state. There are several photographs of him having sex with other women, the filings stated.


“On his computers, husband maintains ‘Craigs Lists.’ Many of them involve requests for three party sex and anal sex.

Eeeeuuuuuuwwwwwwwww .... (Catzmaw - 10/13/2006 9:36:40 PM)
Okay, you got my attention and a great big eeeeeeeuuuuuuuwwwww.  I'm going to go hurl now.

Sex Scandals (Nick Stump - 10/13/2006 6:57:44 PM)
I too, am a little nervous about us putting too many eggs in this one basket.  I keep thinking about the Clinton Impeachment and how it blew up in the Republican's faces, causing two Republican Speakers to resign and more.  Though there has been plenty of scandal to talk about, are we so sure our own house is tidy enough to not fall into a terrible trap, and the more outraged we seem now, the worse we look if something new comes out to show some Democrat up to his neck in something dirty.  As I believe politicans have a lot of temptation afforded by their power, I'm fairly certain there will more to come and it might not all be about the opposition. 

The primary issues voters are going to the polls with is the Iraq war and National Security.  I've noticed how Jim Webb keeps his focus on these issues, often bluntly refusing to talk scandal. 

George Allen is still a formitable candidate.  Are sex scandals gonna produce votes for Webb?  I doubt it.  Are Republicans going to stay away from the polls over these scandals?  If they don't vote, it will be the first time in a long time.  Those Republicans are like voting robots.  They'll show and stand in the rain all day.  Frankly we Democrats could learn a lot about GOTV efforts from the other side.

Then again, I could be wrong.  I thought Swiftboating Kerry would hurt Bush, so I'm not exactly a fortune teller when it comes to this stuff.

Sex Scandals (Nick Stump - 10/13/2006 7:00:42 PM)
I too, am a little nervous about us putting too many eggs in this one basket.  I keep thinking about the Clinton Impeachment and how it blew up in the Republican's faces, causing two Republican Speakers to resign and more.  Though there has been plenty of scandal to talk about, are we so sure our own house is tidy enough to not fall into a terrible trap, and the more outraged we seem now, the worse we look if something new comes out to show some Democrat up to his neck in something dirty.  As I believe politicans have a lot of temptation afforded by their power, I'm fairly certain there will more to come and it might not all be about the opposition. 

The primary issues voters are going to the polls with is the Iraq war and National Security.  I've noticed how Jim Webb keeps his focus on these issues, often bluntly refusing to talk scandal. 

George Allen is still a formitable candidate.  Are sex scandals gonna produce votes for Webb?  I doubt it.  Are Republicans going to stay away from the polls over these scandals?  If they don't vote, it will be the first time in a long time.  Those Republicans are like voting robots.  They'll show and stand in the rain all day.  Frankly we Democrats could learn a lot about GOTV efforts from the other side.

Then again, I could be wrong.  I thought Swiftboating Kerry would hurt Bush, so I'm not exactly a fortune teller when it comes to this stuff.

It's Related to Lying (PM - 10/13/2006 9:12:57 PM)
That's the point.  I've had to listen to these sanctimonious Republicans for 6 freakin years, and how they went on about the Lewinsky affair, yammer yadda yammer, and they have no more morals than a rabbit in the bushes.

I worked with one of these Bush guys, staunch pro-family, only he was taking women OFF THE STREET into his lush office for three hour closed door sessions.  Nice, GOP Presidential appointee. 

It's like a diary post I made a long time ago, about George Allen's actual religious upbringing (as told by his sister).  I don't care what anyone's religion is, but I don't like it when people pretend to be something they aren't, because then you can never tell when they're lying.

And people who lie all the time also do things like send kids off to war, without thinking of the effects it has on these kids and their loved ones.  They have no moral compass.

Most people lie a little bit.  I think George Allen is a complete phony, though, and has no regard for the truth.  I don't think he believes anything he says, and I don't think it matters to him.

So when I see one of these sanctimonious bastards get their comeuppance, I say -- yea -- let's have a little laugh about it.

It's not about the sex.  It's about the lying.  It's just one more piece of evidence for the electorate to evaluate.

Just leave Kolbe alone (Dan - 10/13/2006 9:13:40 PM)

This is not a useful target for us, especially.  Who cares about freaking Jim Kolbe.  He's retiring, and a Democrat is almost guaranteed to be taking over that seat.  Leave it be.  It is just a waste of time.