Clark vs. Edwards

By: drmontoya
Published On: 10/12/2006 12:39:43 PM

It seems like there is a real fight for the supporters of Mark Warner.

However, I don't think it's much of a fight. And I am about to tell you why I think that.

A short comparison of Wesley K. Clark and John R. Edwards.

Both very good guys. However, Wes Clark trumps John Edwards on experience, and international clout. John Edwards to his credit is a very charming person. To Warner folks, you know where I stand. The choice is up to you.

Comparison below.
Wes Clark:

Born In Chicago, IL 1944.
Son of a WWI Veteran, Democratic Delegate.
Raised in Arkansas
Graduated High School in a newly integrated south.
Hall High School, swimming captain & valedictorian
WestPoint Military Academy Graduate, 1st in Class.
Oxford Rhodes Scholar, In London
Wounded, & Highly Decorated During Vietnam
Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander
Honorary Knighthoods in several countries.
34 years of Service to the U.S. Army
Fluent in four languages.
Former White House Fellow.
Father one son, grandfather of 2.
Married to Gert, of Brooklyn, New York.
2004 Democratic Presidential Candidate
2006 Democratic Fundraiser and adviser.

John Edwards:

Born in Seneca, SC 1953
Son of a Mill Worker
Raised in North Carolina
First Person of family to attend college.
Married to Elizabeth, of a military family.
Trial Lawyer, most of fortune from that.
Former Senator from North Carolina.
Father of 3. 2, very young children.
2004 Democratic Presidential Candidate.
2004 Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee.
2006 Democratic Fundraiser and Adviser.


Wes Clark has my vote (vadem - 10/12/2006 9:45:48 PM)
I choose Wes Clark for several reasons, not the least of which is that he has been a true leader for most of his military career.  Some of his most passionate supporters served under him directly and know that his strengths extend far beyond his vision and foreign policy prowess, but include true compassion for those men and women serving our country, including their families.  With the problems we face in the global community, it will take a man like Wes Clark to know where to start to dig us out and lead us back to being a respected and great nation.  John Edwards seems like a very nice man with a loving family and is a native of my own home state.  He just doesn't possess what we need in this day and time. 

Wes Clark also has my vote. (Florence - 10/12/2006 10:22:46 PM)
While I have great respect for John Edwards, I support Wes Clark because he has the best foreign policy, national security, and military experience.  He has long been a leader of great character and distinction.  His long list of major honors from foreign countries speaks to the respect with which he is regarded internationally.  If anyone can find resolutions to our problems overseas while restoring America's international reputation, it is Wes Clark.  In addition, as a commander of military bases, he has provided leadership in dealing with domestic issues that affect families, such as education and healthcare. 

Let me count the ways (Stan Davis - 10/13/2006 12:11:03 AM)
Here's a little guide if you're in a quandary:

Has Edwards experienced the horrors of war first-hand?

Has Edward ever had to give a folded flag to a grieving widow, sweetheart, sister, or child?

Has Edwards ever conducted international diplomace personally?

Has Edwards ever negotiated a peace settlement?

Is Edwards in internationally-recognized anti-terrorism and security expert and advisor?

Has Edwards received the equivalent of a Master's in Economics and taught Economics at a major university?

And let's not forget that in New Hampshire and the seven states that followed on February 3, Clark beat Edwards five out of eight times.

Edwards is a terrific orator and that's about it.  The choice is clear. Edwards couldn't find the time to vote before he ran for the Senate.  Clark has served his country for some 40 years now.  The choice is clear.

Everyone knows.. (drmontoya - 10/13/2006 9:22:10 AM)
Clark has mine. =) hands down.

Interesting Comparison (Matt H - 10/13/2006 9:40:47 AM)
Either one would get my vote in a general election and both have a lot more in common with each other than the likely victors with is unfortuate.

Hillary, McCain, et. al. are beholded to the money interests and business and could care less about the middle class.

Both Edwards (a true populist in a good, non-exclusive of minorities way) will represent us well.  Likewise, Clark is a soldiers' leader and (I think) really believes in a bottom up value in society.

Hillary and McCain will protect their own elitist interests over ours.

This string of postings is evocative, but really either person would be a great choice - neither are phonies.

Clark is the one for 2008 (Clarkie08 - 10/20/2006 1:26:09 PM)
Wesley Clark has my vote over Edwards, Hillary, and Obama.  He's a True American Patriot and we need a General right now with what's going on in the world.  A General that wants to pull out of Iraq and would never start a preemptive war.