America Haters Endorse George Allen

By: phriendlyjaime
Published On: 10/11/2006 11:33:43 AM

The moral depravity, hypocrisy, and deceit of Republicans is sickening.  A Republican sexual predator stalked the halls of Congress for years and his fellow Republican politicians protected him.  Why?  I don't have to tell you why; we all know why.  Face it, Virginia; Republicans do not deserve control of Congress. 

As citizens and taxpayers, we are responsible for who governs us.  It's time to ask ourselves how much lower the Republicans have to sink before every American says enough is enough.  We have NOT been governed by responsible lawmakers and unifying leaders, we have been abused and shamed by the worst administration and Congress in American history, and yes; ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Bottom line:  if you hate America, then vote Republican.  If you are so greedy, uneducated, and uninformed that you think a measly check for $300 as a Gǣtax cutGǥ is something to be excited about, vote Republican.  If spending $400 billion and sacrificing 23,000 American casualties so Iraqis can slaughter each other in an endless civil war is your idea of fiscal responsibility and good foreign policy, vote Republican.  If cutting and running from the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan looks like a war on terror to you, vote Republican.  If seeing the bodies of dead Americans floating in the streets of New Orleans is your idea of responsible government, vote Republican.  If torture and secret trials and human beings in cages and illegal wiretaps make you feel safe and proud to be an American, vote Republican.

But if you believe America is in need of redemption, vote Democratic.  If you believe America can reclaim its greatness, vote Democratic.  If you believe its time for accountability and responsibility in Washington, vote Democratic.  If you cherish the Constitution, vote Democratic.  If you believe it's time to reject fear and start behaving like Americans again, vote Democratic.  If you love America, vote Democratic.  This November, for the sake of your children and your self-respect, choose redemption.  Vote for Jim Webb on November 7, 2006, and future generations will undoubtedly thank you for being a TRUE American.

x posted at West of Shockoe


Republicans Suck (Todd Smyth - 10/11/2006 12:47:06 PM)
Go get em Jaime.  Our local Jeffersonian conservative (George Allen) voted to obliterate Jefferson's Bill of Rights by voting for the "Military Commissions Act" which eliminated Habeas Corpus, which neuters 9 of the 10 Bill of Rights Amendments to the US Constitution.  Didn't George Allen once defend the US Constitution?

"A bill of rights, is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference." -- Thomas Jefferson