Tom Davis Refuses to Listen To Fellow Republicans

By: Ambivalent Mumblings
Published On: 10/10/2006 2:58:46 PM

This is cross-posted, with some photos, on Ambivalent Mumblings.

Although I donGÇÖt always agree with his policies, I cannot deny that Senator John Warner is one of the most knowledgeable Members of Congress when it comes to military matters. Similar to Jim Webb, Warner is a Vietnam veteran and was the Secretary of the Navy. He is also currently the Chairman of the SenateGÇÖs Armed Services Committee. As a result, it must be taken serious when the Senator issues a statement that suggests the US should change the course if the conditions in Iraq donGÇÖt drastically improve during the new few months.

Since Warner is an extremely high ranking Republican with a military background, his statements can be used as evidence that Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle are becoming extremely frustrated with the lack of progress being made in the War in Iraq. As a result of their realization that things are not going correctly, members of Congress have frequently called for a reevaluation of the AdministrationGÇÖs policy in Iraq. Bush and his cronies, however, continue to declare that you cannot support the troops and implement the proper policy at the same time.

Unfortunately for the residents of VirginiaGÇÖs 11th district, Tom Davis falls is one of the Republicans who blindly support President BushGÇÖs policies on foreign affairs. On June 16, 2006, for instance, Tom Davis voted in favor of H. Res. 861. The resolution stated that it would be inappropriate to discuss any policy in Iraq besides staying the course. Furthermore, during a June 16 speech delivered on the floor of the House of the Representatives, Tom Davis all but declared that the terrorists would prevail if there was even discussion about whether or not BushGÇÖs GÇ£Stay the CourseGÇ¥ strategy was correct. 

Regardless, the situation in Iraq is what it is. There is no question Iraq is a Petri dish for terrorists now our main nemesis in Iraq is called "al-Qaeda in Iraq." Thus, our activities in both Iraq and Afghanistan are clearly linked to the global war on terror - there is no other way to view the situation.

This scare tactic is commonly used by Dick Cheney and other members of BushGÇÖs inner circle. Not only are DavisGÇÖs comments purely a scare tactic, but they also are directly contradictory to John WarnerGÇÖs statement made last Friday AND statements he made in August. According to, Warner has called for Congress to hold another vote on the War in Iraq if the country does indeed fall into a full blown civil war.
I think we have to examine very carefully what Congress authorized the president to do in the context of the situation if we are faced with an all-out civil war. And whether have to come back to congress to get further indication of support.
Now letGÇÖs stop and think about that for one second, Senator Warner has declared on two occasions that it might be necessary to reevaluate the War in Iraq. Congressman Davis, who doesnGÇÖt have nearly the same amount of military expertise and Senator Warner, has declared that our countryGÇÖs safety depends on blindly following the president. Since Warner is the Virginian who has a significant amount of military knowledge, it is safe to say that his opinion should be trusted over that of Tom Davis; who blindly supports whatever the President says anyways.

While disagreeing with the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services committee, Tom Davis has refused to admit that the PresidentGÇÖs policy in Iraq might be wrong. This is despite the fact that there has been intelligence which states that the War in Iraq has actually made the world more dangerous. Even when the House Committee on Government Reform was forced to investigate some of BushGÇÖs mismanagement of the War in Iraq, Davis was quick to make excuses for him.

What we have found was there were mistakes in management and oversight. But remember, this was the first time we have contracted this extensively in a combat the situation. Everything about doing business everything in a war zone is extremely difficult and costly. It is disingenuous to deny this.
Andrew Hurst, however, doesnGÇÖt believe in blindly following the president. He believes that since Bush's war in Iraq has cost America so much, both financially and in lost lives, there needs to be some action taken.  That is evident in an email statement written by James Walkinshaw (AndyGÇÖs campaign manager).
"Senator Warner, like the vast majority of Americans, knows that we're not winning the war in Iraq. Things are getting worse and progress is not being made. We need a change in course. Unfortunately, George Bush and Tom Davis continue to support a failed "stay the course" strategy. Andrew Hurst will ask the tough questions and work to bring our troops home as soon as possible."
It also cannot be said that Andy is simply criticizing Tom Davis and the Bush Administration without contributing to the discussion about how to the situation can be improved. Although he admits he doesn't have all the answers, Andy has stated that he will work with lawmakers in order to develop the best possible plan. Furthermore, HurstGÇÖs website provides suggestions as to how that change could possibly come about. Two of the specific recommendations Andy had in order to help stabilize the situation in Iraq called for more diplomatic efforts to be made.
A renewal of diplomatic efforts in the region. Once the redeployment of troops begins, the United States should begin working with nations like Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and others to discuss cooperation in the rebuilding of Iraq, improving border security and dismantling terrorist networks;


Increased involvement of the international community. After showing our good faith by redeploying our troops, we can make a stronger case to responsible members of the United Nations that they should have a substantial role in helping to rebuild Iraq.

A call for more diplomatic efforts has also been made by several politicians with military experience. Jim Webb, for instance, called for more diplomatic efforts during yesterday's debate. Andy, Webb, and Warner all realize that the War in Iraq has cost thousands upon thousands of lives and something needs to change. Tom Davis, however, insists on remaining a rubber stamp of the Bush Administration. That is why many voters are relieved to know that if he is elected to the House of Representatives, Andrew Hurst would work to ensure that the War on Terror is conducted in a manner that would truly protect Americans GÇô not just President BushGÇÖs political agenda.

Nick Meads, Davis's campaign mangager, did not respond to a request for a comment about John Warner's statement.
