Davis is Out of Step with the 11th District

By: Henry M
Published On: 10/9/2006 1:14:49 PM

The amazing Republican spin machine is at it again with its response to the Foley/Page scandal.  One tactic is to blame the media coverage for failing to provide adequate information about other matters.  Tom Davis (VA-11) was quoted in the Atlanta Journal Constitution as stating that the press surrounding the Foley scandal is preventing the public from hearing about important issues.  What could be more important than protecting teens from predators and the Congressional leaders' responses to blatant abuses of power and trust?  Tax cuts? How many earmarks he brought into the district? 

Quite honestly, the Republicans have demonstrated that when they control the government, they are uniquely qualified to abuse it.  For all of their rhetoric about how only they can keep our country safe, this Congress has sat idle as President Bush inflicts perilous domestic and foregin policies upon the country.  All they have left to sell to the American public is fear - fear of the Democrats.  What we really need to fear is another two years of Republican control.

What has Tom Davis done to protect the 11th District from this government run amok?  He failed to vote against the deficit creating budgets; he failed to investigate abuses by companies such as Halliburton as they continually gouged the government in their supposed reconstruction efforts in Iraq; he has failed to call for accountability for the President and his advisors as they have deonstrated time after time absolute ineptness and utter failure; and he has not only failed to protect the dignity of individual citizens, but has actively participated in further derogating individual rights by using his committee's subpoena power to subpoena Terry Schiavo and her medical records. 

The 11th District deserves better representation.  While Tom Davis talks about all of the money he has brought into the district over the years, it is an ineffective poultice in the face of the truly important issues where he has been more concerned with his standing in the party (and with his corporate campaign donors) than that of the interests of his district.

It is time for something new and something different this November.  The 11th District has a real choice for this election - Andrew Hurst. 


Volunteer and donate (Andrea Chamblee - 10/9/2006 4:39:52 PM)
Unseat Davis! Canvass with the Hurst/Webb team - it's really fun. Donate to and volunteer for Andy Hurst today.

Foley and Davis worked together? (Andrea Chamblee - 10/9/2006 4:44:52 PM)
Now that I have the donation link prominently above here, let me add that Congressional Quarterly has a lot to say about how valuable Foley was in 2000 and 2002 - the "Butterfly ballot" district that was going for Gore in the recount.  It seems Foley worked closely with Davis in 2000 and 2002 when Davis -- and Abramoff -- were sharing duites at the NRCC.

The GOP rewarded Davis with the Reform Committee Chair, and rewarded Foley with the Ways and Means Committee.