Getting Real Pissed Off

By: drmontoya
Published On: 10/8/2006 6:55:01 PM

George Felix Allen EatsHello Everyone,

Tell me why George Allen is airing ads that are FLAT OUT lies?

I have people asking me right now.

Will Jim Webb raise taxes on families?

Have you seen the ad? I saw the end of it watching TV last night.

I am getting REALLY pissed off with Allen.

He's working really well to inflame the fire in our base, so if you're reading this DICKWAD, pay attention: I will make sure you lose, because you can't just talk about the issues (Iraq, Economics, Constitution Violations).

We are talking about an article Jim Webb wrote 27 years ago, and your racist ass party and candidate in George Allen.

I have had enough.

You can't even make ads that are remotely honest. I pray to God we kick the crap out of you and the entire Republican Party on November 7th.

Now I'm really angry....


Stay away from the Dark Side (VA Breeze - 10/8/2006 9:36:48 PM)
I understand your anger-hey, you could send some of it to Tidewater to help kick Thelma "everything's fine in Iraq" Drake out of office too.

if i could help it.. (drmontoya - 10/8/2006 11:00:41 PM)
the GOP would all tank on election day.

Boy are you pissed (Catzmaw - 10/10/2006 1:17:32 PM)
You remind me of my son.  He hates lying lowlifes, too.  Now, if you haven't looked at the DSCC ad for Webb it'll help.  Hard hitting and loaded with the truth.  Then you might have to go punch a pillow.

DR, we just have to believe that the vast majority of people who are introduced to the real Jim Webb and allow us just two minutes to talk to them are going to realize how much they're being played and turn on Allen.  Everywhere I'm encountering fence sitters and moderate Republicans who are turned off by the negative campaign.  Stay calm, load yourself with true facts and figures and go out there to talk to people.  That they're even asking you the question means they want to know the truth.  That's great.  Point out that Webb's never stooped to Allen's level in spite of the many provocations and has tried to keep this campaign focused on the issues, issues, issues.

Passion's good, we just can't let it run away with us.