So Much for (Slightly) Lower Gas Prices

By: Lowell
Published On: 10/8/2006 3:09:50 PM

It was nice while it lasted, but George BushAllen's friends in OPEC going to take care of that soon enough. 

Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign.  The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.


yeah (Adam Malle - 10/8/2006 4:15:02 PM)
On Nov. 8 prices will go back up.

Gas inflation under Bush (PM - 10/8/2006 6:04:44 PM)

Roughly at the time Bush took office, the U.S. price for regular gas was 1.41.  Looking at the first week of January for each ensuing year, the prices were 1.11, 1.44, 1.51, 1.78, 2.24, and right now 2.31.

If you use the plain old BLS calculator, that 1.41 per gallon would have cost 1.63 if gas had risen at the same rate as the CPI-U (CPI for urban areas).

I'm not blaming all this on Bush--just his failure to establish an energy policy that would have acted as a buffer.

So when someone says the price of gas is coming down, tell them when it hits 1.63 you'll be content.

gas prices.. (drmontoya - 10/8/2006 7:08:10 PM)
I feel like I have been on a rollercoaster of gas prices all year!!!

When Do You Suppose Gas Prices (Teddy - 10/8/2006 9:21:06 PM)
will rise again? Right after the election, maybe? On the other hand, I understand Cuba has signed contracts (mostly with China?) to drill off their own coast. We soon may have another anti-American country that's full of oil, this one on our doorstep. Our petro-president has done a heckuva job all around.

How to find... (vote-left - 10/8/2006 11:16:58 PM) gas in your area:
