Anyone Notice A Recent Change With Allen's Site?

By: drmontoya
Published On: 10/7/2006 7:21:58 PM

I do.

For weeks, he has had the face of his campaign and the face of his website covered with negative coverage of Jim Webb.

And, I mean covered. They had the women controversies, the ads, the black democrat who endorsed, any negative pro-allen article.

The whole thing was sort of stomach turning to look at. However, I try to keep a good eye of that the other guy is doing at all times.

But, since during this whole time he was ultra negative his number have been going down in the polls. He had postive TV ads, and a negative website.

That's changed now.
In an attempt to rebound his falling poll numbers and claim this "turning point" in his campaign the website is all postive now, and now instead of running postive ads based on "ideas, and shared values and shared concerns"

He's running ads mostly from the 1979 article Jim Webb wrote 27 years ago.

In his latest ad, the "liberal media" even pointed out that she isn't really a democrat. She's more like a Zell Miller.

What right democrat, would give 500 dollars to the GOP, and vote in a GOP primary here in Virginia?

Oh.. she gave 1K to Kerry in 2004.

All is forgiven, right?

Wait a second.. she appears to be a life long republican and she gives to Kerry and now's she's a life long democrat?

Allen is out there on the stump pretending he's being postive, but avoiding questions on how he can say that when he has the ads he's running now?

It's fair to say, honestly.

The Republicans are full of shit.

Check it out, http://www.georgeall...


Allen is hunting for a strategy. (Bubby - 10/8/2006 10:58:55 AM)
He already has the greedheads - he is on the record favoring tax-cuts by deficit spending. He already has the racists, and haters - they like his foul defiant moxey.  That won't get him a majority, so he's pissing on Webb with proxies - 'Webb sucks too'. 

Allen isn't running a campaign on "positive and constructive ideas" and he never was.  Don't believe me?  Watch his Macaca moment and pay attention to the words he uttered just before he slurred, insulted, and bullied Siddarth. Virginia deserves better.