Susan Allen Gets Dissed By Her Own Husband

By: Eric
Published On: 10/3/2006 11:54:59 AM

I've never had a problem with George Allen and his campaign making constant references to Susan Allen.  He seems to include her, or at least her name, in many of his efforts.  And the two minute drill he put on last night was no exception - Susan standing by to support her husband as he made reference to her "...for more than a decade with Susan by my side...".

Today I've got a problem with it.  And I've got to imagine that his wife has a big problem with it after last night's complete humiliation.

To put it bluntly, he used her as a prop just like the football and the photo of his father.  She was not supporting him, she was turned into a cardboard cutout.

In front of Virginia, she was given the task of staring at the camera with a forced smile for two minutes.  No words, no real expression, no personality.  Nothing but stare and smile.  And once or twice look up at George.

I've never met her, but from what I've heard she's a good person.  Dynamic and friendly with a very likable personality.

They took that away last night.  She was reduced to a pathetic cardboard prop.  Made to look like a hapless fool on state-wide television.

For those guys who are married, or have been at some point, I don't need to explain the ramifications of humiliating your wife in front of a massive audience for your own gain.  And the rest of you can pretty much guess what happens.

I didn't like George Allen before - for many reasons.  But I figured his in-sensitivities were for those he didn't know and/or didn't want to know.  But to watch him debase his soulmate like that in front of everyone - utterly disgusting.

Yet another apology is in order.


Mrs. LCD mentioned something along these lines... (Loudoun County Dem - 10/3/2006 12:04:51 PM)
...last night (but then she LOATHES Allen).

Yeah - I'm stunned (Eric - 10/3/2006 12:24:24 PM)
There are so many ways they could have approached this that would not have humiliated Mrs. Allen.  But this is what they choose. 

and what of that... (chiefsjen - 10/3/2006 1:54:40 PM)
she's only been his wife for 10 years, why? because he's divorced! and there are allegations regarding his behavior to his ex-wife.

Come on guys (DanG - 10/3/2006 12:27:31 PM)
This is pushing it.  She was standing with her husband for political reasons.  Why?  Because that's what the spouses of politicians do. 

Dan, (Eric - 10/3/2006 12:43:24 PM)
it would be one thing if this was a live shot (or footage) from an event where he was speaking and she is standing by his side.  It wasn't.  The entire two minutes was planned and staged.

They could have left her off camera and George referenced her.

They could have had her speak at some point - to say why she supports him, to say something positive about him, about their relationship, about herself even.

But no.  They made here stand there.  No movement, no personality, no contribution.  No nothing - except a clearly forced smile. 

All by design.

That is a prop.  And it is complete disrespect for the person he married.

LOL (TurnVirginiaBlue - 10/3/2006 12:41:15 PM)
There is a commercial for the sleep number bed where the woman stares up at her husband who does all of the talking about how great the sleep number bed is, nodding and she never looks at the camera, just her husband like he is a "God" or something. 

That's actually the "man is the head of the house" role, where the woman nods in agreement, he does the talking for "them", she is like a silent cheerleader, no opinion, never disagrees or has something to add, and so forth.

I get it, what you're trying to point out, and that sleep number bed ad means I would never buy one, but that's who this ad was aimed at...those people who think the "man is the head of the house", "the bible says so" and think of women as "property of the husband" and so on.

Sick, sick, sick, I IM, but I see it all of the time, and have to wonder what is wrong with women to put up with being reduced to Pavlov's dog.

Susan Allen (pammiekin - 10/3/2006 9:45:32 PM)
I was so distracted by George Allen's wife, I did not even hear what he had to say.  The whole scene was uncomfortable and terribly inappropriate for Northern Virginia or anywhere in Virginia for that matter.  Yeah.  The Redskins are great.  But to use his wife and his deceased father as props is just bad taste.  It was just odd.  He should fire his handlers.  They are doing a horrible job.  Thank goodness.