"Be Unreasonable"

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/17/2005 1:00:00 AM

I don't usually recommend DailyKos diaries here on RaisingKaine, but this one by Kid Oakland, one of my favorite writers in the Democratic blogosphere, is so kick-ass I couldn't resist.  The title is "be unreasonable," and the subject is Karl Rove/White House corruption.  Here are key excerpts, with my (brief) comments:

BushCo. has dodged every single arrow...they've lied, finagled, maneuvered and, yes, won the critical political battles whether by  hook or by crook.

However, right now, July, the summer of 2005, is the moment for that string of successes to end.  Now is our best chance.  This is it.

Wait a minute, Kid Oakland, are you sure you're talking about Bush and Rove here, not that evil law firm of Kilgore, Gilmore, Allen and Howell?  Yeah, I know you're going after Bush and Rove, and they definitely deserve it.  Just one request:  while you're at it, can you please pay us a side visit here in Virgnia, where we have our own liars, finaglers and maneuverers (not necessarily in that order) known as Kilgore/Bolling/McDonnell? 

To be frank, the ones who hate us won't care if we scream a bit...they'll do what they've always done...and call us all sorts of names and lies...and spin all sorts of webs and nets...but we have one weapon this time, the same one we've always had...no matter how "unreasonable" they've tried to paint us...and that weapon is the truth.


And yet, for all his lies, Rove is merely the most clear frontspiece for a much deeper disease at the root of BushCo. He's but the poster boy for their lies and manipulations. We all know he's merely the political hack for Dick Cheney and George W. Bush.

Again, are you sure you weren't talking about the Kilgore family (parallel to Bush) and Scott Howell (parallel to Rove)?  Anyway, you're definitely correct about the right wingers hating us no matter what we do -- whether we move to the left, center, or right; whether we "scream" or keep quiet. 

Bring on the Blogosphere....friends, .now is the time to bring on the Fighting Democrats, our sights are set much higher than Karl Rove.....for if free speech democracy isn't about kicking hypocrites and liars out of power, then it's not about anything.

Thanks for the pep talk, Kid Oakland. And if you're ever passing through Virginia, please feel free to come visit with the Virginia Democratic bloggers.  You'll be most welcome here.  In the meantime, please keep on "being unreasonable!"


No, Alex. The Vice-P (Teddy - 4/4/2006 11:27:16 PM)
No, Alex. The Vice-President asked CIA to investigate; Wilson was therefore sent by CIA. Plame did not initiate the trip, Cheney did. But all this blather about who recommended whom is just a smoke screen. The real question is: WHO OUTTED PLAME? That remains an indictable offense, and it looks more and more as though not only was it Rove but also... some one perhaps higher up.  And who could that be?