The Weekly Standard: Brutally Bad Article on George Allen

By: Lowell
Published On: 9/23/2006 9:59:46 PM

If you're a Republican politician, you really know things are getting bad when a leading conservative magazine attacks you, mocks you, and otherwise rips you to shreds.  Well, that's exactly what has happened to George Allen, with The Weekly Standard's just-released October 2  issue.   It's bad news right from the git-go, with the front-page picture of Allen and a monkey (see above) and the article's title, "George Allen Monkeys Around: Forget the presidential campaign. Can he still win his Senate race?" 

Ouch. That's bad. But it gets worse.

After a lengthy discussion about how much Allen's sister hated him and about George's growing up "in a testosterone-heavy household," the article gets into Allen's political career. It's fairly flattering on his time as governor, except for a couple of big problem. First, it cites Ryan Lizza's extremely negative, May 2006, New Republic cover story on Allen.  Then, it proceeds to denigrate Allen's time in the U.S. Senate, commenting drily that "Allen is less a skilled legislator than a talented executive."  The problem, of course, is that Allen is running for re-election for 6 more years as a legislator.  Whoops. As if all that's not bad enough, the magazine also points out that Allen's "top three accomplishments" in the Senate are "thin branches from which to hang a presidential bid."  Not good.

But it gets worse.  The article next turns to a lengthy, blow-by-blow, extremely unflattering description of the whole "macaca" incident.  While the Weekly Standard does not believe Allen actually is a racist, it does call him an "oaf" and asserts, point blank, that Allen is "at odds with Virginia's future."  A lengthy discussion follows about how Virginia is rapidly turning "blue."

The article then turns to the recent Webb-Allen debates, concluding that Allen lost the Meet the Press debate "soundly."  As to the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce debate, here's what the Weekly Standard has to say (bolding added for emphasis), and it's devastating:

Among conservatives, the conventional wisdom is that Allen won this second debate, but that since it took place in the middle of a weekday, he will be unable to reap the benefits of victory. This is wrong. While Allen might have had a good showing substantively, the story that emerged from the debate was his irate reaction to WUSA-9 television reporter Peggy Fox's question on a recent report in the Forward that he might have been descended, on his mother's side, from the Lumbroso family of Sephardic Jews.

Fox embarrassed herself by asking the question as though she were the grand inquisitor at a show trial. But Allen embarrassed himself too, first by standing there, agape, staring at Fox for asking the question, then by refusing to answer it. Worse, Allen lied. He told Fox, "My mother's French-Italian with a little Spanish blood in her. And I was raised as she was, as far as I know, raised as a Christian." It turns out, of course, that the report in the Forward was accurate; by the end of the week, Allen had admitted that his mother informed him in late August that she was raised a Jew. Etty Allen said that she had asked her son to keep her heritage secret, which might have led to his dissembling at the Chamber of Commerce debate.

Still, Allen's move to embrace this newly uncovered part of his heritage has been flawed. He clumsily joked to the Richmond Times-Dispatch that his mother's Judaism is "just an interesting nuance to my background" and "I still had a ham sandwich for lunch. And my mother made great pork chops." His campaign quickly accused Webb supporters of anti-Semitism for posting video on weblogs of Allen's reaction at the McLean Hilton debate. But this attack was silly. Webb's supporters weren't criticizing Allen for his heritage; they were publicizing his fumbling attempt to cover it up. As this goes to press, the issue shows no sign of disappearing.

In recent days Allen has been recast as a sort of bumbling phony, confused about his identity and his message. His encounter with S.R. Sidarth and his campaign's lame response tripped him up, but that was only the beginning. Steve Jarding, a Democratic consultant and adviser to Webb, said that what hurt Allen most about "macaca" was that it subverted his image as a likable guy. "Ninety percent of Virginians are aware of that tape, according to our polling," Jarding told me. "It cast a doubt on everything George Allen built up over 25 years."

Wow, that is some seriously bad press right there for George Allen. First of all, we've got the conservative Weekly Standard stating point blank that Allen lied about his Jewish heritage. And, while criticizing Peggy Fox's question as too harsh, the Weekly Standard rips into Allen for his godawful, bizarre response.  Second, the magazine totally absolves the liberal blogs of "anti-Semitism," calling this entire right-wing, pro-Allen line of attack "silly." It even goes so far as to call Allen a "bumbling phony!" And remember, this is not coming from a liberal blog or the so-called "liberal media," it's coming straight from one of the leading, most respected conservative magazines in the country.  That really hurts because it's very difficult for the Allen apologists to write it off or explain it away.  It certainly will be fun to watch them try, though! :)

In the end, the Weekly Standard concludes that Allen could be saved in this campaign by one thing and one thing only - money, and lots of it!  But even there, the Weekly Standard believes it's a problematic situation for Allen, given how "free media have dominated the campaign--the stories on macaca, the Lumbrosos, and so on."  The magazine believes that "this will only continue if Allen keeps performing as badly as he has in recent weeks." 

Ee gads, is that all?!?  Sadly for Allen, it isn't; the Weekly Standard can't resist taking one final parting shot at him:

If he fails, it will be only partly because the Virginia that captured his heart as a young man is slowly vanishing. Mainly it will be because of Allen himself.

As I said, this article is brutal.  How will the Allen campaign, already reeling, deal with THIS?!?

Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign.  The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.


As I..... (vote-left - 9/23/2006 10:34:34 PM)
...said back on September 19th, Allen has "pushed the self-destruct button"

Now the right-wing can take over where Allen has left off.

Then, I am sure Allen will come along once again and pick up the table scraps to finish himself off.

The dessert will be left for the democrats come election day.

Happy Rosh Hashanah, George! (LAS - 9/23/2006 10:50:49 PM)
He's got a monkey on his back, and cannot seem to shake it off.

I think we need to make copies of this cover and plaster them everywhere. It's perfect.

This reminds me so much of the Craddock/Caputo race (PM - 9/23/2006 11:03:32 PM)
Almost like clockwork, Craddock would self destruct at some event, betraying his real qualities.

I'm glad the Weekly Standard notes the silliness of the C+ Team's and Wadham's charges.

This is also an indication that the extreme right wing of the GOP may be deserting Allen.  Quite frankly, I think they view him as a liability to the national GOP at this point, and if he loses here, then one of their choices will have a better chance.

Dead-ON (Mimi Schaeffer - 9/24/2006 12:48:57 AM)
The A-Team stands for A-holes!

Didn't even need (libra - 9/23/2006 11:06:38 PM)
to read the snippets of the article, since the cover photo says it all: the witch and his "peculiar". Under the Weekly Standard banner? Icing on the cake :)

re: Didn't even need (Different Drum - 9/24/2006 12:12:11 AM)
"the witch and his "peculiar."  LOL!

Who is George Allen? (lwumom - 9/23/2006 11:13:44 PM)
I don't think even HE knows.

Is it me (Adam Malle - 9/23/2006 11:14:55 PM)
or does his head look disproportionately small and his nose really big in that pic?

There Ya Go Again...... (Used2Bneutral - 9/23/2006 11:22:09 PM)
Now who do we have to get to apologize for this picture ???

Web did his duty this past week, since this is actually the responsibility of Allen's Press team to control, shouldn't it be one of them this time ??  They would be reasonable wouldn't they ... (NOT)

I thought the picture made him look a little like Martin Schwimmer (PM - 9/23/2006 11:26:39 PM)

Off Topic: There Is A Klezmer Bluegrass Band Out There (PM - 9/23/2006 11:34:29 PM)

Scroll down to Margot Leverett & Klezmer Mountain Boys

It's pretty good actually--the first ten seconds might make you want to turn it off but it gets better

This music is but one tiny example of why the melting pot that is the U.S. is such a great nation

WoW (TurnVirginiaBlue - 9/24/2006 12:18:22 AM)
Although in a way I'm not surprised because I believe people who care about the nation, in all shades of the political spectrum are wising up to Corporate America running the show.

Webb is just in plain terms, the better candidate on every issue.

Just a campaign idea... (vote-left - 9/24/2006 12:18:37 AM)
Since Allen has finally decided to now embrace the Jewish Cowboy in him...

...maybe he could have Kinky Friedman come politic for him.


Never happen (demnan - 9/24/2006 10:25:40 AM)
I'm sure Kinky is a Webb man.

MONKEY ON HIS BACK (ub40fan - 9/24/2006 12:30:31 AM)
It seems even conservatives know a loser when they see one!!  I think we should all get some stuffed monkeys and show up at the Allen event with them on our shoulders ....

That and we should get some Big Banannas made up with the word MACCA on it (Bold red letters) ... and stick them on every George Allen big sign we see on the road.

You know ... just to remind the voters!!

Great report.

Feed the monkey (libra - 9/24/2006 1:05:51 AM)
think we should all get some stuffed monkeys and show up at the Allen event with them on our shoulders ....

That and we should get some Big Bananas made up with the word MACACA on it (Bold red letters) ... and stick them on every George Allen big sign we see on the road.
by: ub40fan

Well now... Could anyone point me to some Big Banana stickers? My neighbours are beginning to annoy me, with their Allen/Goodlatte signs (lowers the property values ). I'll be planting my Webb one in self defense come Monday, but wouldn't mind prettifying theirs...

Lowell (TurnVirginiaBlue - 9/24/2006 2:31:39 AM)
Are you going to get this front paged on dailykos?

That cover really says it all.

Done. (Lowell - 9/24/2006 6:09:01 AM)
Please comment/recommend if you can.  Thanks.

That was fast! (Kathy Gerber - 9/24/2006 8:39:28 AM)
It's at the top of the rec list already...

Way to go, Lowell!!! 

It's the subject material, not me (Lowell - 9/24/2006 8:50:19 AM)
As always, despite what the right-wingers think, this is NOT about me.  In fact, I don't care if you change my name to Joe McGillicutty, it's irrelevant.  I don't want fame and fortune (well, fortune would be nice, but not from blogging obviously!), and people who know me know that I don't have a large ego at all (unlike some of the showboating right-wing Allen supporters).  The only issue here is electing Jim Webb and sending George Allen back to the "real Virginia" - his wealthy, gated community in Alexandria, which last time I checked was part of the hated Northern Virginia by the way! :)

Marc Fisher made fun of Allen this morning (PM - 9/24/2006 8:17:45 AM)
Favorite line:
"Or maybe Allen is eager to take over William Donald Schaefer's role as the region's premier purveyor of unfiltered political speech."

My made up line this morning:  Allen's populatiry is being affected by his in descent exposure.

This is hilarious too (Lowell - 9/24/2006 8:25:35 AM)
Shana Tova, George Allen.  In the print edition, it even had an image of a Jewish star; can't wait for the non-Jewish right-wing Rpeublicans to get all hot and bothered about that.

By the way, for the record, I used that Jewish star - as I use most of my images - to provide a simple visual label for the story.  In that case, the story was about Allen's angry reaction to his Jewish heritage, as well as his mention of grandfather Felix's "incarceration" by the Nazis.  The image was intended to reflect that, but obviously, the right-wingers are simply too dense to understand something so simple. 

Sad that you have to explain (Eric - 9/24/2006 9:08:54 AM)
Anyone with half a brain who's read RK for more than a few days knows that's the purpose.  But obviously we're dealing with people who are either un-informed, un-educated, or un-intelligent. 

Thank you for taking the time to spell it out for readers who don't get it.

How would they react (Ingrid - 9/24/2006 9:41:54 AM)
if you had used a picture of Israel's flag?  It contains the Jewish star.  The right-wingers just don't get it.  Oops, now they may write about me, because I am utilizing my first amendment rights...

Answer (Tom Joad (Kevin) - 9/24/2006 8:39:26 AM)
"As I said, this article is brutal.  How will the Allen campaign, already reeling, deal with THIS?!?"

Have the "A-Team" call "The Weekly Standard" a liberal rag that has been moving to the left for the last few years. Then Riley can throw a line out there saying how you have lied about the article and his circle of vultures can cut and paste his opinion on their blogs and make it their own.

Sabato: People Laughing At Mention of Allen's Name (PM - 9/24/2006 9:34:49 AM)
From a Jim Hodges story in the Daily Press:http://www.dailypres...

"Right now," Sabato said, "at every function I go to - and I go to a lot of them - when George Allen's name is mentioned, people laugh. If you want to be taken seriously in politics, you can't be a joke. ... And remember, these things come in threes."

This quote was interesting too:

Beyond all that, more questions have been raised about Allen's having had a picture taken in 1996 with members of the Council of Conservative Citizens, which is descended from the White Citizens Council of segregationist days.

That picture of Allen, then Virginia's governor, with CCC members and actor Charlton Heston showed up in The Nation, a liberal magazine.

Hey Lowell, everyone reading this should send a card to (demnan - 9/24/2006 10:43:19 AM)
George Allen for Rosh Hashana.  What do you think?  Can you imagine his Senate office being overloaded with cards with Jewish stars and smybols all over them?