Please Vote for Jim Webb!

By: Lowell
Published On: 9/22/2006 1:53:16 PM

Please vote for Jim Webb in Russ Feingold's Progressive Patriots contest now!  If Jim Webb's not a Progressive Patriot, who is?  :) Thanks!

Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign.  The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.


I voted last week! (drmontoya - 9/22/2006 2:17:23 PM)
Here is the current standings, voting ends this monday at midnight!

Definitely winnable (Lowell - 9/22/2006 2:26:57 PM)
Let's do it!

Lowell, the Webb campaign should post this on the website (JennyE - 9/22/2006 2:31:42 PM)
A link should be added to the the frontpage, maybe under the contribute button?

We need all the hits we can get.

on website? (drmontoya - 9/22/2006 2:51:33 PM)
that's actually a pretty good idea. Lamont, and Jack Carter I have sent out emails and blogged about it already.

Lowell's got the blog down. But, Russ Feingold on a Virginia Campaign site? Um, he's not exactly the best face for a candidate in Virginia. I am not sure if any follows what I mean.

RE: Just rec'd an email from Josh about this . . . (JPTERP - 9/22/2006 4:20:45 PM)
And have logged a vote.

And why we're doing this . . . (PM - 9/22/2006 4:50:23 PM)
Osama still hasn't been caught.  And . . .

War price on U.S. lives equal to 9/11
By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press Writer
22 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Now the death toll is 9/11 times two. U.S. military deaths from Iraq and Afghanistan now match those of the most devastating terrorist attack in America's history, the trigger for what came next. Add casualties from chasing terrorists elsewhere in the world, and the total has passed the Sept. 11 figure.

Both I and Mrs. LCD have voted for Webb... (Loudoun County Dem - 9/22/2006 5:23:06 PM) to work on friends.

If you need motivation.... (Lowell - 9/22/2006 5:51:22 PM)
check out
these pictures from last night.  Great stuff, thanks to Cassie!

I am DYING for the Webb site (phriendlyjaime - 9/22/2006 6:20:29 PM)
to show me how much $$ was raised today....

Didn't work for me (Eric - 9/22/2006 6:40:50 PM)
Just tried and it gave me a generic "you didn't do it right" error message.  Will try again later...  anyone else run into problems?

No (Susan Mariner - 9/22/2006 6:44:46 PM)
Not sure why that would be the case.  I just voted a second ago, and it went through just fine.

It worked fine for me (Used2Bneutral - 9/22/2006 7:05:14 PM)
and I even got the email confirmation they sent in response to my vote...... I also passed it on to the people who can get it out on our voluteer mailing lists tonight yet for all of Northern Virginia....

No problems at all. (Lowell - 9/22/2006 7:17:21 PM)

hard cash (libra - 9/22/2006 7:37:37 PM)
I am DYING for the Webb site  (0.00 / 0)
to show me how much $$ was raised today.... (Phriendlyjaime)

Just came home from rally and fundraiser here in Lexington. Jim was *super* -- the more I see of him, the better I like him. Even my husband -- who's had "problems" beforehand -- said Jim was "very impressive; I like him". And the fundraiser was held in a house of an -- as the head of the Lexington hq explained -- ex-Repub. How's *that* for a 180degree turn?

Anyway... we were told that the hope was to collect ca 10thou but that the amount was alost double. Don't know whether it might have already been reflected in the total though; we had to "book" ahead, so the money might have been already counted into yesterday's total. Still... I'm proud of my litle town.