George Allen about to go negative again with new TV Ad?

By: JennyE
Published On: 9/19/2006 7:16:35 PM

From the Daily Press

There is no comparison between the two issues, said Steve Jarding, Webb's campaign manager. "Macaca happened four weeks ago, the women story 27 years ago."
But the women story will continue as a theme for Allen's campaign.

"You can bet on it," said Dick LaCavita, a campaign aide, smiling.

Before sundown, the Allen campaign had released a statement that included "Mr. Webb showed again today his disregard and disrespect for women in the Naval Academy."

Nowhere in the statement is a reference to the magazine article having been written in 1979.

A television advertisement on the issue is in the future.

I hope the Webb campaign is prepared for the soon to be new round of negative attacks from Allen-Wadhams.


RE: "Dick LaCavita" (JPTERP - 9/19/2006 7:52:53 PM)
So it's confirmed. 

Wadhams must has been demoted to run Allen's 2008 "Presidential" campaign.  Meanwhile LaCivita has taken over the Senate campaign.

Nothing to run with (Hugo Estrada - 9/21/2006 11:51:58 AM)
Allen has nothing to run with, so the only thing left is to run a negative campaign.

Of course, it is crazy considering that he has so much dirt to work on, such as the noose in his office.

And his 96% voting record along with the president means that he should be held responsible for unpopular Bush policy.

Maybe that is what he is trying so hard to run away from: his record.