Why Does George Allen Keep Dissing Nancy Reagan?

By: Lowell
Published On: 9/19/2006 10:01:26 AM

That's right, why does George Allen keep dissing Nancy Reagan?  Specifically, I'm talking about embryonic stem cell research, which is probably the one policy issue that Nancy Reagan cares more about in her life than anything else right now.  Here's Nancy Reagan on embryonic stem cell research:

At a fundraising dinner for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation in Hollywood, Mrs Reagan said her husband was now in "a distant place where I can no longer reach him".

"I just don't see how we can turn our backs on this... We have lost so much time already. I just really can't bear to lose any more."

She said she believed stem cell research "may provide our scientists with many answers that for so long have been beyond our grasp".

Now, here's George Allen, courtesy of the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star:

Asked about his vote against federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, Allen said he believes that adult stem cells offer the same potential for healing that embryonic ones do. He does not support creating embryos solely for stem cell research.

"The federal government should not fund the destruction of human embryos," Allen said.

In other words, George Allen and Nancy Reagan are diametrically opposed on this issue, which Mrs. Reagan cares passionately about given her husband's horrible battle with Alzheimer's disease (personal note: my grandfather also suffers from Alzheimers, and I would love to see a cure for it!).

Four more quick points here.  First, Allen says that adult stem cells "offer the same potential for healing that embryonic ones do."  That is simply NOT TRUE.  According to the National Institutes of Health:

Embryonic stem cells can become all cell types of the body because they are pluripotent. Adult stem cells are generally limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin.

Second, Allen says that his opposition to "embryonic stem cells" is based on his opposition to killing an embryo.  The thing is, though, that these aren't even really "embryos," they are generally pre-embryonic "blastocysts," which is a collection of about 60 cells from a 5-day old fertilized egg.

Third, Allen glosses over the point that the vast majority of these blastocysts come from fertility clinics, and that most would be discarded at some point anyway.

Fourth, Allen says he isn't opposed to state or private funding of embryonic stem cell research - only FEDERAL funding - while simultaneously claiming that it is immoral to "kill" an "embryo."  Well, which is it, George?  If it's murder, how can you favor it for states and the private sector?  What, it's ok for a state or private corporation - Barr Laboratories, perhaps - to conduct research ("murder") on human embryos, but not for the Federal government?  What's the moral basis for this conclusion?  I'm confused, please explain.  Thanks.

Finally, I really wish George Allen would stop dissing Nancy Reagan.  Which is exactly what he's doing, by opposing this old woman's most fervent wish - to see a cure for diseases like Alzheimers, the disease that robbed her husband of his mind, just as it does to millions of other Americans including my own grandfather.  Thanks a lot, George!

Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign.  The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.


If I recall correctly (Eric - 9/19/2006 10:17:32 AM)
in yesterday's debate Allen also said he wouldn't support state funding of stem cell research if he were still governor of Virginia.

Hmmmm... that's both consistent and inconsistent on his part.  He doesn't want the Federal government to fund it but it's ok for the states and private companies.  However, if he had anything to say about it on a state level, he would NOT allow it.  So where ever Allen is, he won't allow it, but he does support everyone else doing it.

Do we have the transcript of his answer from yesterday's debate?  I'd like to get a good look at it, because from what I could hear it sure sounded like he dug himself into a real big hole on that one.

No transcript yet, as far as I know (Lowell - 9/19/2006 10:28:04 AM)
Special RK prizes for the first person who finds one. :)  A date with the RK member of your choice?  Ha ha.

Yuck... (Eric - 9/19/2006 10:37:23 AM)
I'm going offline just so I don't accidentally bump into that transcript.

Invetro vs stem cell (Jeff B - 9/19/2006 10:20:58 AM)
Allen needs to explain how destroying embryos during a inverto process is different then destroying embryos for stem cell research.

For all those right to lifers who have had invetro where is the outrage for the  13-19 embryos that are destroyed during that porcess.

Obviously the ends justify the means when self intrest in involved.

The only other reason Allen can be agaist stem cell research is that the Pharms stand to lose if there are cures fro cronic illness. That would be criminal in my opinion.

Bingo (PM - 9/19/2006 10:47:56 AM)

That's a picture of frozen embryos being thawed prior to disposal.  Here's a little video:


And read these quotes:

California Gov. Schwarzenegger wrote to Bush, "Mr. President, I urge you not to make the first veto of your presidency one that turns America backwards on the path of scientific progress and limits the promise of medical miracles for generations to come."

Mrs. Reagan, the former first lady whose husband died after suffering from Alzheimer's disease, had quietly made calls to a few senators to try to build support toward a veto-proof margin in the Senate. In a statement following the vote, she did not refer directly to the likelihood of a Bush veto.

"With this important vote in favor of embryonic stem cell research (H.R. 810), the pleas of so many suffering families have finally been heard," she said. "Time is short, and life is precious, and I hope this promising research can now move forward."
