New Reportage on Allen's Intolerance, Presidential Chances

By: PM
Published On: 9/19/2006 8:27:56 AM

From the Philadelphia Jewish Voice comes a litany of George Allen's intolerance, including several examples I had never heard before.  You'll want to read the article at http://www.pjvoice.c...

I am taking some liberty here by reprinting all of the article's bulleted points, because new readers to this blog may need some quick education:

For some, the use of a racial slur by a politician who thinks he is presidential material is absolutely shocking. But for those of us who know the real George Allen, the Senator's use of a racial slur is just another example of his 'Good Ol' Boy' intolerance.

Defending the use of Hitler Comparisons: In 1993, George Allen refused to distance himself from an unsanctioned Republican flier comparing his opponent to Adolph Hitler. When pressed on the issue, Allen "dismissed Nazi comparisons as just part of the rough-and-tumble of politics." Rather than denounce the flier, Allen then said, "You have to have a thick skin and a sense of humor and common sense in politics..." (Washington Post, 10/13/93; Washington Times, 10/23/93; The Roanoke Times, 10/13/95)

Cozying up to Radical Right-Winger Pat Robertson: In 2005, Senator Allen delivered the commencement address at Pat Robertson's Regent University. In an appearance on ABC's "This Week" days before Allen's commencement address, Robertson argued that federal judges pose more of a threat to the United States than "a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings," and George Allen would make a "tremendous" president. When called on to denounce Robertson's ridiculous claim about federal judges, Allen refused and went on to deliver the commencement address at the right-wing radical's university. (Richmond Times-Dispatch, 5/2/05)

Reaching out to Southern Poverty Law Center-Designated Hate Group: In 1996, while serving as Virginia Governor, Allen sought out a relationship with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a successor organization to the White Citizens Council, a recognized hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and one of the largest white supremacist organizations. A picture of Allen posing with CCC officials was featured in the CCC Summer newsletter that summer. While discussing the photo, a CCC organizer in the picture said, "It [the picture] helped us as much as it helped him... We got our bona fides." (The Nation, August 29, 2006)

Forcing Virginia Public School Students to Study the Bible: As Governor, George Allen's "Standards of Learning" proposal supported the inclusion of Bible studies in all public school curricula. (, 11/17/99)

Displaying a Noose in his Office: From 1998 to 2000, George Allen displayed a noose in his office. Allen regularly defended the noose, arguing, "It has nothing to do lynching," and is "more of a lasso." After being pressed for literally years, Allen finally admitted in 2006 that it was, indeed, a "little old noose." (The New York Times, 6/19/05; The New York Times, 2/2/05; MSNBC, 5/24/06)

Embracing the Confederate Flag: In 1993, as a candidate for governor, George Allen displayed a Confederate flag in the very first television ad of his campaign. Almost not surprisingly, Allen's senior high school picture shows the Senator sporting a Confederate flag pin on his lapel. In college, Allen proudly displayed the Confederate flag on the back of his pickup truck and in his college dorm room where the flag "was an explosive issue." (The New Republic, 5/15/06; The New Republic, May 8, 2006)

Ridiculing and Mocking Single Mothers Receiving Welfare: During a speech at Glenmore Country Club, then Governor George Allen mocked single mothers receiving welfare and implied that single mothers on welfare are promiscuous. He said, "Well, you know, when you come to ask for support for yourself and your child or children, we want to know who the father is... Oh gosh, how's she ever gonna figure that out? That's going to be too tough. Just give us a couple, three names. You know, there is DNA testing. We'll find him." (Richmond Free Press, July 25, 1995)

Rescinding a Woman's Right to Choose: George Allen is an out-spoken opponent of a woman's right to choose. He proudly holds a 100% voting record with the National Right to Life organization, and as Governor, he rescinded existing health care coverage for abortions for state employees. (; Washington Post, 6/8/96)

Calling Homosexuality "Unnatural" and "Illegal": In 1994, George Allen called gay relationships "unnatural" and "illegal," noting that he opposes permitting two gay parents to adopt a child because it is "not in the best interests of a child to be raised in that environment." In 2006, during a town hall meeting, Allen voiced his opposition to defining sexual orientation as a civil right, noting, "I don't care to raise it to that status." (Richmond Times-Dispatch, 7/14/94; Culpeper Star Exponent, 3/22/06)

Forced to Apologize to Democratic Opponent for Implying that she Supported an Iraq Victory in the Gulf War: After winning his election to the governorship in 1991, Allen apologized to his Democratic opponent for running an ad that "question[ed] the wisdom - if not the patriotism - of [his] Democratic opponent." Shamelessly, Allen's campaign superimposed a picture of his opponent over an antiwar demonstration that highlighted a banner reading "Victory to Iraq." (Washington Post, 11/12/91).

Temper or just Plain Mean? In her book Fifth Quarter, Allen's sister Jennifer Allen outlines Senator Allen's mean streak and short temper.
A Community Menace: When describing how George and her brother Gregory would destroy neighborhood mailboxes, Jennifer writes, "George would swerve his Mach II Mustang while Gregory held the baseball bat out the window to clear the mailbox of its post."

Holding Sister over Railing at Niagara Falls: Jennifer writes, "Ever since my brother George held me over the railing at Niagara Falls, I've had a fear of heights."



Like we said, just another example of George Allen's Good Ol' Boy intolerance.

But that's not the only new reportage.  Finally, a mass media periodical reports (a bit) on Allen's violence streak.  The Washington Examiner notes: 

The third is a book written in 2000 by AllenGs younger sister, Jennifer Allen Richard, which describes him as a bully when they were growing up. In a passage about one of her boyfriends, Richard writes: GǣMy brother George welcomed him by slamming a pool cue against his head.Gǥ

Richard has since recanted, calling the pool cue story Gǣa joke,Gǥ and the book in general Gǣa novelization of the past.Gǥ Allen agrees.


Incidentally, the Examiner's series on the 2008 candidates is entitled "Meet the Next President."  It does not specifically apply to George Allen, as first glance may imply.  Thus, e.g.,  Russ Feingold gets the same treatment. 

Indeed, Allen is given very negative commentary by the Examiner's three political analysts:

David Yepsen

Political columnist

Des Moines Register

PRO -+ Nothing.

CON -+ GǣI never thought of him as someone who was making a serious presidential effort. He wasnGt out here that much, and when he did come to Iowa, he really didnGt do that well.Gǥ

Charlie Cook


Cook Political Report

PRO -+ GǣI think he has the talent and the ideology to really stir up the party base.Gǥ

CON -+ GǣI seriously, seriously, seriously doubt that he even runs now. And hereGs a guy that I would have been picking a year ago.Gǥ

Larry Sabato

Political scientist, University of Virginia

PRO -+ GǣUntil recently, Allen was the leading conservative candidate in a party that usually nominates the leading conservative.Gǥ

CON -+ GǣAllen stumbled so badly in the infamous GmacacaG incident that he simultaneously looked racially insensitive, bullying and rather stupid for making his comments into an opponentGs video camera


And Allen Blames the Media for It All (bb10 - 9/19/2006 9:34:09 AM)
Thanks for pulling together this very important information. I happened to pick up the "Examiner" this morning, but I hadn't seen the Jewish newspaper's article. I hope that gets spread around a lot and posted on other blogs (please consider doing a diary on Daily Kos, if you haven't already).

Another thing in the "Examiner" interview that struck me was Allen's blaming the media:

If there is a silver lining for Allen in the “macaca” debacle, it is the possibility of conservative backlash against the mainstream media, which is already reviled by the Republican base.

“I don’t think there’s any question that people at The Washington Post or The New York Times and many of these major respected newspapers have a liberal point of view,” Allen says. “At times, they’re irresponsible.”

“Thank goodness for Fox News,” he adds. “People out in the real world really can discern truth from fiction. They apply it to their own lives.

“What somebody writing in New York City says or somebody in Washington, D.C., says or somebody in San Francisco writes is not going to be really dispositive of the way that Joe and Sally out here in the real world run their lives.”

Allen’s disdain for the Fourth Estate is shared by many of his supporters and campaign staffers.

““If the press would just leave him alone,” campaign worker Don Sudland grouses. “Jerks. They’re our biggest enemy.”

Most media profiles of Allen mention the “macaca” episode and three others that, taken together, have allowed critics to characterize him as a racially insensitive bully.

Yeah, it's all the media's fault that George Allen looked directly at Siddarth's camera and said what he said.

I still can't get over this one: (Hugo Estrada - 9/19/2006 12:25:03 PM)
"Displaying a Noose in his Office: From 1998 to 2000, George Allen displayed a noose in his office. Allen regularly defended the noose, arguing, "It has nothing to do lynching," and is "more of a lasso." After being pressed for literally years, Allen finally admitted in 2006 that it was, indeed, a "little old noose." (The New York Times, 6/19/05; The New York Times, 2/2/05; MSNBC, 5/24/06)"

This wasn't even 10 years ago. And his pathetic lying.

Wonkette and RawStory now have this story up (PM - 9/19/2006 4:31:52 PM)
Yes, Hugo, the noose story is amazing.

When one looks at the list of bullying and bigotry in the article above, it's clear Allen has some real problems.

It is very important to work hard not only to put a good man like Webb in the Senate but also to remove Allen from any shot at the presidency.  The harmful effect an Allen presidency would have on "disfavored" groups would be incalculable.

A Cowboy? (Texas Aggie - 9/21/2006 9:37:42 PM)
Allen may claim to be a cowboy just because he wears boots and sucks up to an invader of Texas who says he's a true Texan. 
Being a native of Texas, I can confirm Allen's bigtime supporter on the hill is an insect, who helps out his oil-rich Arab friends, and definitely not a Texan. 

Getting political help from a "thing" like that, Allen probably wears soft-toed boots made in China and really belongs in a skirt.  Hiding behind big money and foreigners who generate our country's greatest problems, Allen is more of a cowgirl than anything else.