Challengers Gather In Front of Rabid Partisans

By: Kenton
Published On: 7/10/2005 1:00:00 AM

Okay, so we at the Democracy for Virginia campaign training aren't rabid partisans, but we're pretty darn well unapologetic. Five of our House of Delegates candidates came in to speak and fend off questions from the crowd in a candidate forum, which I will discuss later. But first...earlier in the day, a Survivor-esque competition was held about the House of Delegates. Who would the crowd vote off first?

Immediately the shouts rang out to vote off some of my favorite legislators, Dick Black and Bob Marshall.

David Englin (45nd) told the crowd of several dozen that he wouldn't apologize for what he believed in. "I believe in the grassroots," he said, understating a bit the role grassroots played in his victory for progressive values. He needed to leave early, but that left our other three candidates there...

Running against good ole "Taliban Bob" Marshall....

Bruce Roemmelt (13th) came in and dished out some blunt truth for the crowd. Asked to select one adjective to define him, he selected the name of his old Navy ship, "Intrepid." Intrepid he is, running bravely against one of the most radical conservatives in the state. "If we're not prepared to make investments in the future, we are letting the future down!" "It's about taking back the damn process!"

Running against good ole "Obsessed with Gay" Dick Black...

David Poisson (32nd) doesn't quite share Dick Black's gay obsession and other things medieval conservative Dick Black feels rather strongly about. David, for one, does not believe that contraceptives are "baby pesticides", and knows that we have more important things to worry about than restricting gay rights. "Traffic is not caused by gays getting married and taking their 300 car wedding processions to the church!" Dave once ran for seventh grade class president--his opponent was, up until recently, the last candidate to needle at David "Poison". These "poison" jokes didn't quite help, and David won. Dick Black should suffer the same fate as that long ago seventh grade opponent.

Dave Marsden (41st), running in a tough 50-50 race, also took the challenge to select one adjective to best describe him and his opponent, selecting "accomplishment" and contrasting it with his opponent's inexperience, summarized as "not." Sometimes short says it best.

Bruce put it best..."We'll take help from anywhere!" Our challengers need your help-volunteer! Go to their websites! Now! But do come back here once you've signed up.
