A Sad State of Affairs

By: dandanj
Published On: 9/13/2006 3:23:01 PM

I never understood why someone as shallow and fake as George Allen made it this far in his political career, representing my beloved state of Virginia. It is a sad state of affairs.

Funny how a single word can impact on a politician's fortune or misfortune. To call a human being a monkey speaks volumes about Senator Allen inner character. To steal a colleague's work and claim it to be his, is disturbing. To be associated with a racist group is alarming. It is a sad state of affairs for Virginia.

The good thing is that Virginia has an option to choose Jim Webb, a war hero, a true Virginia gentleman, Navy Secretary, Emmy-award winning journalist, bestselling author and champion of social justice.

Who needs a shallow, fake and hollow fellow? Why perpetuate this sad state of affairs?


Allen.. (drmontoya - 9/13/2006 3:26:19 PM)
is going to get very dirty in his quest to keep alive his political future.

Rally as many people you can if you care as I do.

Keep Fighting!