The Republican Ethnic Rally

By: Eric
Published On: 9/11/2006 8:50:29 PM

You won't find any "macaca" moments here, but you may learn a little something about our opponents.  And perhaps it's worth watching to catch all those little mistakes and inaccuracies.

I've provided my initial observations here.  If you're up for it, have a look and jump in with your assessment and observations.

George Allen - a funny Bollywood introduction, watch him struggle with those "ethnic" words, and he seems to have trouble with numbers.

Tom Davis - friendly, personable, good speaker.  But wrong on the issues and accusations.  And not at all subtle about the fact that he'll support you after you show him some love.

Frank Wolf coming sometime soon.  Hopefully tomorrow.

And to our Republican readers, please enjoy the gift.  I fully expect to hear positive comments from y'all for once.  These are your candidates after all.

[UPDATE] Here's Frank.  Watch how he ramps it up in the first few moments.  And the standard use of Republican scare tactics with the secret police talk.  Note that the last few minutes are cut off - Frank didn't follow YouTube directions and went over the 10 minute mark.  Also, it may take a few minutes to start working because it was just uploaded.


So Now George Allen Has Laura Ingraham As His Guest (PM - 9/11/2006 9:44:13 PM)
If you go to Allen's campaign website, he's going to have a hoedown, with Laura Ingraham as his guest.  Here's a quote from Anne Coulter's twin:

LAURA INGRAHAM, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST:  Bush won by six points in all Americans [sic] and 22 points in white middle-class voters. So the Republicans are clearly connecting with the regular people, where the Democrats aren't.


So, Senator, how do you define "regular people?"

Ironically, in terms of supporting Allen, Ms. Ingraham's signature coffee mug has a "no monkeys" logo.  http://www.lauraingr...

Laura Ingraham at a hoedown.  Hmmm.  Born in Connecticut, went to Darmouth and UVA.  Yeah, she's as "hoe down" qualified as George Allen. 

As a Senator (libra - 9/11/2006 11:25:49 PM)
Allen is a decent-enough actor (but we knew that, from Gods and Generals). As an actor, he's not half-bad as a politician, either -- he's certainly more relaxed and emotive than Webb (from the one time I've seen Webb).

But, as a competing candidate, at a  -- specifically -- ethnic rally? I had to chuckle. It was almost like watching a re-run of Bush's (one and only. Surprise, surprise?) speech to NAACP a month or so ago, where he tried to push his Paris Hilton inheritance tax to the audience... Talk about a disconnect from reality... :) How many people in the NAACP have *more than* $5mil (which can be doubled, for a couple) to leave to their heirs (the first 5mil is not taxed)?

Same here. If he's gonna run his campaign on national security (and, for him, it means continued war in Iraq and continued curtailing of Constitutionally guaranteed protections of citizens), then he's preaching to the wrong crowd.

I won't even comment on the 70thou engineers which, comparedd to countries 6-7 times bigger than us is a goodly number; I suppose it would be, if we could find such a country :)

I guess his handlers have been too busy objecting to The Ad to write him different speeches for different occasions, but this one was very inept, IMO, given the environment.

For a really amusing caricature of Allen campaign, please visit:

Read all the entries (beginning last month, with the "macaca incident", and spare some time for the comments as well. But, before you explode, please notice the disclaimer:

"If you haven't realized by now that this is a parody...
that's understandable.
It's a crazy world."

You can hear the little old ladies (Andrea Chamblee - 9/11/2006 11:33:14 PM)
complain about his use of "Bonjour," because it's French. I guess they still eat only "Freedom Fries."

Oops - that's Davis who says "Bonjour," not Allen. (Andrea Chamblee - 9/11/2006 11:44:05 PM)
I'm surprised French was one of the languages he chose to use for greetings at an "ethnic" rally.  I  guess all those ethnic French and other Western Europeans have so much adversity to overcome.  Findng slaves to farm land stolen from the Natives was sooo much work.

Oh, and of course he pulls the 9-11 punch.