Alternative to ABC's PT 9/11

By: lwumom
Published On: 9/9/2006 5:32:25 PM

A few weeks ago, the National Geographic Channel aired their documentary about the 9/11 attacks.  In the two-part series, they document the beginnings of Al Qaeda, the planning of the terrorist attacks, the failures of the US government to thwart the attacks and the attacks themselves.  This series is the alternative to ABC's fictional rendition.  It will air Monday again on the National Geographic Channel.  Check their website for availability in your area:  http://channel.natio...

There's more....
The first part of the series documents the beginnings of Al Qaeda.  The group began in Afghanistan, as we all know, when the CIA provided the "freedom fighters" with stinger missiles to shoot down Russian helicopters.  After the Russian's retreated from Afghanistan, bin Laden became the hero of the war and continued his training camps.

When Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and threatened to enter Saudi Arabia as well, bin Laden contacted Saudi leaders and offered to bring his "army" to send Hussein back to Iraq in defeat.  He said that only Muslims should defend Islams most holy sites.  The Saudis rejected his offer, deciding instead to accept the offer of US President, George H.W. Bush.  This documentary sites this development as the beginnings of bin Laden's determination to destroy the U.S.

This portrayal of the events leading up to the attacks also documents the political environment that Bill Clinton was experiencing at the time. It was a "damned if he did, damned if he didn't" scenario.  The CIA had information that bin Lden was in Afghanistan and the Clinton Administration was preparing to order an attack.  But the CIA received further info that a crown prince from the United Arab Emirates was in the camp as well, and President Clinton called off the attack.  If he had ordered the attack that killed the wealthy son of an ally, imagine what would have happened.

The documentary is very well done.  If you can get the NG channel, I recommend this factual account.  I must warn everyone, though, that the second part of the series shows the towers in flames and documents communications and personal accounts from people involved. 


Of course (lwumom - 9/9/2006 7:03:55 PM)
I've seen the NG documentary, so I'll be watching the SD Chargers destroy Oakland on Monday night!