Letter from Reagan to Jim Webb

By: Kathy Gerber
Published On: 9/9/2006 12:01:46 PM

Eileen Levandoski of Virginia Beach Democrats has up two important diaries today.  The General Assembly will introduce a bill to celebrate the life of Jerry Griffin.

The second is the correspondence between Jim Webb as Secretary of the Navy and Ronald Reagan.

For folks who haven't had much exposure to the military and find the style a little stiff, the letter from Reagan to Jim Webb is the format used to recognize outstanding service in an official way.  Enlisted personnel may recognize it as similar to a meritorious mast. 

Point is these letters fall more under the category of official documents than personal correspondence.

Great work, Eileen! Way to focus.


Reagan Correspondence (drmontoya - 9/9/2006 12:42:14 PM)
This is great great great work.

IS this going to be on the blogs???

The webb campaign needs to use this.

Again, great work everyone.

Let's keep fighting.

Why? Because We are Fighting for the Truth!

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free" John 8:32


Correspondence letters (RayH - 9/9/2006 1:35:06 PM)

People at events sometimes bring up questions about Webb's resignation, since unscrupulous Republican partisans like to use it to deride Webb.

I think it would be good to have printed copies of this correspondence for people who ask about that-- not for the ones with an ax to grind, but for those that are just looking for answers.

Webb Camp Release (drmontoya - 9/9/2006 3:17:50 PM)
The reagan letters need to be put out by the camp.

I think?

Agreed! (RayH - 9/9/2006 3:53:05 PM)

COMMENT HIDDEN (bobboberts - 9/10/2006 2:17:24 PM)

Another troll joins the RK community (Lowell - 9/10/2006 2:53:04 PM)
Welcome, troll!  LOL

Bob Roberts.. (drmontoya - 9/10/2006 5:14:04 PM)
I will pray for you tonight.

The only flip-flopper is GEORGE ALLEN.

I am sorry buddy, the good old days for the GOP are over.

Wake up!!!

Switching parties... (Loudoun County Dem - 9/10/2006 5:20:43 PM)
...So you're saying that Reagan could never understand someone switching political parties?

I wonder if we could come up with an example of someone who switched from the Democratic Party to become a republican... hmmmm... Oh yeah... RONALD REAGAN!!!

Is Reagan the true point? (VA Breeze - 9/10/2006 3:27:31 PM)
I think it matters more that Jim Webb served his country honorably in many ways. Allen just has a picture with Reagan-so what.