
By: demnan
Published On: 9/8/2006 8:53:27 PM

George Orwell's 1984 was required reading when I was in high school in the 1970's, I guess the teachers anticipated an era when our country would not allow free speech and this was a nightmare for a teacher of good intentions.

So now ABC news will redefine Truthspeak with their new "drama" about 911.
Reality is redefined and the President of the opposing party must be trashed to prop up a weak and ineffective leader.  Bill Clinton was a competent President.  He was on the job and if something happened in this country even the Republicans know in their hearts he would have addressed it better than Bush.  He bombed targets in Somalia and the Republican GOP accused him of "wag the dog".  Terror threats were stopped on the Year 2000, which was ushered in gracefully, because we had a capable government to protect us. 

They can't take up his record and they have to lie.  Forget policy issues.  We have competency issues in spades with the Bush administration.  We have people in New Orleans a year later still living in trailers without any federal assistance to help them rebuild their homes.  This administration has blocked help for the Gulf Coast and has blocked money for security measures in New York and Washington, DC where terror threats would be imminent.  The only thing this administration cares about is its callous self-interest.  This administration is an insult to honest Republicans!  We must reach out to them and tell them this.

I'm doing door-to-door canvassing tomorrow.  Webb's Reagan ad is coming out soon and Andy Hurst rocks so I'm not resigned to a horrible fate for this country.
