BushAllen Economics Fails Once Again...Unless You're Mega Rich

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/28/2006 6:56:36 AM

Today, under the BushAllen tax-cuts-for-the-rich, "supply side" economy, we are living in a "golden era of profitability."  That, according to investment bank UBS.  Unfortunately, according to an analysis in today's New York Times, the "golden age" only applies if you're a corporation or one of the mega rich.  For everyone else in America under BushAllen economics, basically we're screwed, as the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and everyone else - you and me - get squeezed.  Those are the "three pieces" that Jim Webb sees America breaking into, and that's not a pretty picture.

Evidence?  For starters, since 2003, under BushAllen economics, median real wages actually have FALLEN by 2 percent, even as worker productivity has INCREASED.  Even worse, "the value of workers+óGé¼Gäó benefits has also failed to keep pace with inflation,"  And then, as we all know, there's the problem of "high energy prices and rising health care costs,"  That, by the way, is according to none other than Bush Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr., who nonetheless claims that the it is "neither fair nor useful" to blame the Bush Administration or the Republican Party for this situation. Oh yeah?  Well what about all THIS evidence, Mr. Secretary?!?
*Huge BushAllen tax cuts to the richest 1% of Americans, a pittance (if anything) for everyone else.  You don't think that has SOMETHING to do with the situation described above?  Duhhh.

*Massive giveaways and favors of all kinds to big corporations, like ExxonMobil.  Not surprisingly, as real wages reach their lowest share of GDP since 1947, corporate profits are the highest THEY have been since the 1960s!  But no, that has absolutely NOTHING to do with government policy.  It's sort of like the bumbling, incompetent Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes always said: "I hear nothing, I see nothing, I know nothing!"

*Government failure to raise the minimum wage or to rein in skyrocketing health care costs have not helped matters for 99% of Americans.  Oh well, at least Big Pharmaceuticals and WalMart love it!

*The invasion of Iraq, which has contributed to gas prices at $3 per gallon. That has taken a bite out of most Americans' pocketbooks.

*Globalization, including "outsourcing" and an overall "race to the bottom" as American workers try to compete with semi-slave labor in China.  What has BushAllen economic policy done to address this, except to kowtow to the Chinese and fail to provide the tools - world class education, portable and affordable health care - Americans need to compete?  How about some FAIR trade agreements for a change, not the so-called "free trade" which allows countries like China to undercut us by maintaining no labor, human rights or environmental standards.

*Continued attempts to cut America's most Progressive tax, the Estate Tax.  As BushAllen and Company know full well, repealing what they cleverly and cynically call the "death tax" wouldn't hurt the dead, only the living - except for the few thousand super-rich families who would benefit.  The rest of us? We'd be left to pick up the tab.

*Hundreds of billions of dollars spent on a futile war in Iraq, a war that has absolutely NOTHING to do with "international terrorism," but everything to do with neo-conservative fantasies of a "new Middle East," Big Oil fantasies of equity stakes in Iraq's oil reserves, an Bush fantasies about kicking some ass against a weak adversary (while still not smashing Al Qaeda or capturing Osama "Dead or Alive" bin Laden).

We could go on and on, but here's the bottom line: the economy may be growing overall, but it's not benefiting the vast majority of Americans - as in, almost all of us.  Perhaps that's why, according to the New York Times, "Americans disapprove of President Bush+óGé¼Gäós handling of the economy by wide margins and that anxiety about the future is growing."  Perhaps it's also why the vast majority of Americans feel that "things in this country are heading off on the wrong track." 

This time, the vast majority of Americans just so happen to be right.  Now, let's see whether they take corrective action by sweeping the "supply siders" and "trickle downers" - George Allen, Tom Davis, Frank Wolf, and all the rest of this sorry lot - from office in November and replace them with representatives who actually care about people like them more than about the mega rich and big corporations.

P.S.  Tomorrow, Jim Webb will give a major policy speech and will most likely touch on these subjects, one year after Hurricane Katrina made clear that BushAllen only care about the super-rich, not about 99% of Americans like you and me.


Make the Link (Teddy - 8/28/2006 10:29:29 AM)
The republicans claim this decline of real wages is not the result of anything but historical trends and of corporate policies (that is, globalization, I guess). They do everything they can to obscure the Truth and break the link. So, we are intentionally distracted by national security, Iraq cut-n-run, terror, gay marriage, abortion, whatever.

I certainly hope Webb is not shy about pounding out the link between republican policies plus republican ineptitude and their economic results when he talks about Katrina. Leave nothing to the (faulty) imagination of the voters.  Spell it all out so even the more determinedly dense can understand it.

Perfect - 'determinedly dense'... (Loudoun County Dem - 8/28/2006 11:16:55 AM)
...outstanding description...

"There are none so blind as those who will not see"

Question--Why the News Gap? (PM - 8/28/2006 1:38:17 PM)
I was looking at George Allen's campaign website, and went to the news stories link.

The recent list is below.  Except for an article on candidate spouses on Aug. 14, there's nothing between August 9 and 26.  Did something happen between those dates?  Massive newspaper strike?  Total disinterst in Allen by the press?  Just asking.

News Articles

Allen Charms at Event by David Royer, Staunton News Leader, August 26

Spouses Play Key Role in Election Campaigns by Augusta Free Press, August 14

Allen Comes to Area by Blair Goldstein, August 9

Allen on Tour to Woo Voters by Christina Bellantoni, August 8

Allen's 'Listening Tour' Puts Him on Familiar Path by Jim Hodges, Daily Press, August 8

Senate Campaigning on Both Coasts by Tyler Whitley, Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 8

Allen, Webb Troll for Ideas, Hone Messages for Fall Blitz by Bob Lewis, Associated Press, August 7

Sparking a Movement in Math and Science by Nancy Oliver Gray, College News, August 7

Good catch, very nice... (Loudoun County Dem - 8/28/2006 2:05:11 PM)
...Nothing to see here, move along... ;-)