National Insecurity

By: Yorktown82
Published On: 8/22/2006 1:06:18 AM

I was struck while reading the remarks from Jim Webb's speech on National Security that he quite simply "gets it".


It is more than just a simple comparison of his background to the current Junior Senator from our Commonwealth.

Folks should be asking the following two simple questions:

Which man is a leader who is willing to ask the questions that need to be asked?

Which man is likely to actually listen to and then act upon the answers he receives with any degree of understanding of the issues at hand?

The answer seems to be pretty self-evident.

Jim Webb is obviously the one who is better prepared to deal decisively with not only the "strategery" but also the concerns of those in the trenches.

I was left with the thought of which man would have any clue as to what Lt. Col. Dieter Bareihs is talking about
