The Drive to 200

By: Sam
Published On: 6/24/2005 1:00:00 AM

The Drive to 200

Come on, folks, keep asking me for bumper stickers!
I've set an initial goal of getting 200 bumper stickers for our candidates out and onto cars, and I hope that we can keep adding to our goal.  Just email me with your address and the number of stickers you want for each candidate, and I'll get them right off to you.  I'm paying for the postage myself, and I'm not charging for the stickers, but if you want to send me a little something to help cover it, that'd be great, just email me and I'll give you my "snail mail" address.

As of now, this is the status of my inventory:
Tim Kaine Bumper Stickers -- In Stock
Tim Kaine Lapel Stickers -- In Stock
Leslie Byrne Bumper Stickers -- Coming Soon*
Leslie Byrne Lapel Stickers -- In Stock
Creigh Deeds Bumper Stickers -- Coming Soon*
Creigh Deeds Lapel Stickers -- In Stock
Steve Shannon Bumper Stickers -- In Stock
David Bulova Bumper Stickers -- In Stock

And if you want Janet Oleszek or Chap Petersen stickers for whatever reason, I have those, too.

*If you ask me for them, you'll get some, but shipment may be delayed.

If your campaign would like us to distribute stickers for you, let me know!

As of 4:29 PM, July 1st, we have sent out 96 stickers, 48% of the way to our first goal!


Veteran's Healthcare (Bob Hogan - 4/4/2006 11:27:08 PM)
Veteran's Healthcare First before pork barrel projects and Republican Tax Cuts, Virginia Veteran Healthcare Centers are a big part of Virginia's Healthcare Needs to include Virginia's Vets without Healthcare. Governor Warner must make sure our Virginia Veterans Centers have what they need because next week the Senate will ask for an emergency supplement of $1 Billion to fund our Veterans Hospitals this year. Some Republicans want this $1 Billion taken from Veteran Hospitals's New Construction Budget Account, Shame on them. Democrats will post all names of politicians who cheat veterans out of  their promised healthcare, and they wonder why military recruitment is low, look in the mirror congress.