Despite Approaching Vote, GMU is Among Most Accepting Colleges

By: Ambivalent Mumblings
Published On: 8/11/2006 1:11:15 PM

This is crossposted at Ambivalent Mumblings

The Mason Gazette reports that George Mason University is one of the 100 most welcoming universities for GLBT students. University officials say that this is part of the university+óGé¼Gäós effort to be more accepting of all cultures. The Gazette states that student support groups, Pride Week, and the Safe Zone Program are among the reasons why students feel supported while gaining a higher education.

In my opinion, this is significant because Virginia is most definitely not viewed as one of the more liberal states in the US. Therefore, people cannot make the argument that the university is simply filled liberal activists that are promoting gay rights. In fact, I would argue that it is the exact opposite. GMU is accepting because it has students of all political persuasions simply showing that they believe everyone deserves to have a person who loves them and is there to share both the good and bad times. Furthermore, I believe that if Virginia+óGé¼Gäós largest university is welcoming to all students, then perhaps the rest of Virginia will eventually realize that the GMU students and faculty are correct in their acceptance of GLBT. It is important, however, that Virginia receives that reality check soon.

As Virginians are voting on the Marshall/Newman amendment on November 7, I believe everyone should take into consideration what this report means +óGé¼GÇ£ Virginia+óGé¼Gäós younger generation realizes that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being in a same-sex relationship. Many of the amendment+óGé¼Gäós supporters claim that the amendment it what+óGé¼Gäós best for today+óGé¼Gäós families and children. Well, it seems as though some of Virginia+óGé¼Gäós brightest youth strongly disagree with that statement. Why? Because the students of George Mason University (once again, the Commonwealth+óGé¼Gäós largest university) realize that the Commonwealth would be better off if it respected all people who strive to be in a loving relationship. If passed, the amendment would force a generation to accept values with which they clearly disagree. I call upon Virginians to use this as another example of why the Marshall/Newman Amendment should be defeated.


It is also.. (thegools - 8/12/2006 1:33:20 AM)
..a great place to set up a campaign table.  I did it every Monday afternoon for two months leading up to the 2004 elections.  There is a democrats club there too.

We should do it this year too (Ambivalent Mumblings - 8/25/2006 3:34:02 PM)
I would be more than willing to set up a table in support of Hurst, Webb, or any other Democrat.