Webb campaign fails to put debate on website

By: hrconservative
Published On: 7/27/2006 2:19:22 PM

Wow, my first diary on RK.

Would anyone like to tell me why the debate is not on Webb's website? George Allen is proud of his performance. He put the whole video up. The Webb campaign did not put up even a transcript. I thought Webb would be proud of how he did. After all, we heard how he did so well.

I await comments.


Show us the WMDs first. (loboforestal - 7/27/2006 3:11:35 PM)
Maybe the Republican Guards hid them on Craney Island.

Missing Poll Option : PAC money buys Allen true love.

COMMENT HIDDEN (hrconservative - 7/27/2006 3:23:13 PM)

Thank the VBA.... (Lowell - 7/27/2006 4:43:43 PM)
the feed was awful, but my understanding is that we're going to put the thing up anyway.

I can't bring myself to go to GFA's site... (Fluvanna Democrat - 7/27/2006 7:52:17 PM)
...so I listened to the audio, which in a way I think is better.  I didn't have to see the body language.

I am a Webb supporter, but I truly tried to judge the debate on merit.

Senator Allen is obviously well informed, as well he should be. He is a sitting United States Senator, and former Governor...a career politician.  And that folks was the determining factor for me.

I'm sick and tired of career politicians playing the game. I found Jim Webbs positions to be thoughtful, and based in common sense.  He didn't spin.  He didn't use the same same sound bites over, and over: Values; Saddam; Saddam; 9/11; embolden; palaces (how many times have I heard that); Death tax; Islamic terrorists; shock of 9/11' immigration...and so on.

Yes, we all have values. Saddam is a bad guy. 9/11 was a horrific event.  Saddam lived in palaces and took advantage of his people (but of course, so did Kenny Boy). Terrorism frightens all of us. But please, stop playing to our fears and do something!!

There was absolutely no substance to Senator Allen's comments. 

On the other hand I thought Mr. Webb's answers addressed the questions directly and honestly, whether you agreed with him or not.  He did not spin his responses. He said what was on his mind and in his heart.  Jim Webb is obviously a patriot.  He doesn't just play one during election season.

Smart in Fluvanna (seveneasypeaces - 7/27/2006 11:11:18 PM)
You can tell that Jim Webb thinks about what he is saying.  Very refreshing. I've watched him in action. 

I listened to CSPAN tonight (Bolton confirmation).  Senator Felix spoke and wasted a lot of time rambling on about an up or down vote and there not being fairness.  Anything to not actually question the "ambassador."  My listen time was cut short but what a typical sound byter he is.  Lecturing on about not doing what's right or being fair.  What an idiot. 

Meanwhile the other senators actually asked him questions.  I was very impressed with Sen. Chafee.  Was depressed with felix and the precious time he was wasting.  He Bytes


RE: Old School GOP (JPTERP - 7/29/2006 12:04:30 AM)
Chafee is a class act and a great senator.  Politics in Rhode Island can be pretty dirty (see Patrick Kennedy and Buddy Cianci), but Chafee has managed to keep his hands clean.  He's one of the good guys.  Sadly Chafee is getting it from both the right and the left and may be out of a job this year. 

Courage (seveneasypeaces - 7/29/2006 12:31:59 PM)
Yes, he will be punished for speaking against the treatment of the Palestinians and the 5 suffocating islands planned as their "state."  He talked about the cause of terrorism.  Terrorism isn't the cause of our problems, it is the effect of our problems.  He tried to pin Bolton down on what he wants to do to help them.  My heart was exploding.  And then following him was our own idiotic senator.  Giant contrast.

In January of this year Human Rights Watch asked Congress to cut the money to Israel that they are spending on the wall that is creating 5 open air prisons for the Palestinians.  Our congress is powerless.  Israel as a country gets the most money from us and we make no demands on how it is used.

The Wall cuts peoples off from their farms, their water, their families, their jobs, their hospitals.  Food is rotting.  And people wonder why they vote for a stronger militant presence. They have NO voice.  Chafee will go down for standing up for their human rights.  Peace Now in Israel can only accomplish so much.


Pointing at the moon (seveneasypeaces - 7/29/2006 2:20:12 PM)
the dog only sees the hand.


This Issue Divides Us (RayH - 7/29/2006 8:48:46 PM)
I'm unhappy with the Democratic response to the violence in Lebanon and Gaza. It seems like they are trying to outflank the Republian right in unquestioning support for a militant Israel. When people like you and I raise questions, the response from both Ds and Rs worse than if we were farting in a crowded elavator.

Even so, I believe that a leader like Jim Webb would be more reasonable in these situations than George Allen, and that the Democratic Congressional challengers (Kellam, Hurst, Feder, Weed...) would be better than the cabal of cronies that are in there now. I'm also hopeful that the election of good people like Webb and Hurst will improve the leadership of the Democratic Party. Time will tell.

The prospect of UN troops in a zone between Lebanon and Israel seems like a desparate long shot at peace, and I pity the poor unlucky soldiers that would wind up going there. I haven't heard about plans for a demilitarized zone around Gaza. What a miserable hell-hole we've made of the Holy Land.

Holy Mess (seveneasypeaces - 7/30/2006 1:02:45 AM)
I'm not sure how safe the UN will be there.  They made 10 phone calls begging Israel to stop during the six hour period they were being shelled and they still were bombed.  They were in a well known building and they were destroyed.



Hopefully at least one of these links will work.  Great article about how the present democratic leadership is jumping to the right of bush to the detriment of finding solutions.

Someone once said that you can't fix a problem with the same thinking that caused it.  That's why we need new leadership in congress. 

Jim Webb will step back and look before speaking or voting. The senate is waiting for Senator Webb.

The title of this diary must be changed (phriendlyjaime - 7/30/2006 10:08:53 AM)
since the video is on Webb's website, and the title is now a false statement.

COMMENT HIDDEN (hrconservative - 7/30/2006 10:28:00 AM)

I define pitiful (Newport News Dem - 7/30/2006 2:47:13 PM)
as one who blindly supports this band of incompetents and bafoons running DC today.

Pitiful is showering tax breaks for the wealthy in the time of "war", shoving the cost of this elected war on my grandchildren.

Pitiful is demanding "up or down votes", unless it happens to be for helping the working poor with a minimum wage increase without your Paris Hilton windfall tax cut.

Pitiful is standing by while due process and courts are bypassed by a power hungry executive hell bent on trashing constitutional protections.

Pitiful is not holding Rumsfeld and Co. accountable for the bloody mess they have inflicted on Iraq and our troops. Felix does not care about the stolen billions plundered in Iraq?

I could go on and on. Allen is Bush, Bush is Allen. Allen therefore is another incompetent republican worthy of our ridicule and scorn and not our votes.

By the way, I have been a democrat for all of 3 years. Your buddy Bush is to be thanked for it.

Not you NND... (Fluvanna Democrat - 7/30/2006 5:45:19 PM)
...that Hard Right Conservative (now that's something to be proud of).

It stands for. . . .(drum roll please). . . (hrconservative - 7/30/2006 9:22:19 PM)
Hampton Roads Conservative

Nanny Nanny Poo Poo (Fluvanna Democrat - 7/30/2006 5:43:09 PM)
Is that the best you've got?