They CAN do more! Suggestions for the Webb campaign...

By: Jambon
Published On: 7/25/2006 3:48:47 AM

I'd like to extend some major props to Dave (aka "dr. montoya") for writing this very important diary.  I have been biting my tongue since the primary night hoping that the Webb campaign would finally get their shit in gear.  And it really looked like we might see some serious changes when the rumor of Steve Jarding taking things over from Jessica VandenBerg popped up on NLS's blog.  But that never materialized and despite the hiring of Lowell and Josh to the official campaign, I've yet to see any major changes in volunteer outreach or to the official website (granted they just came on board).

Now instead of just being critical, I'd like to offer a few observations & suggestions of my own.  So please feel free to critque mine and add yours in the comments below...

#1.  Webb's official "website" is absolutely atrocious.  This is a campaign that was spun almost ENITIRELY by bloggers and netroots supporters, yet the official campaign site looks like something a student made for their 8th grade computer class.  That is completely inexcusable!  The website should look sharp, have useful tools and downloads for the activists, and maintain a vibrant blog so the volunteers feel like they are part of the movement and being heard by the campaign staff and Jim himself. 

#2.  The official campaign needs to harness and organize the energy and enthusiasm of Webb's grassroots supporters.  This can be done using "meetups" and "house parties" that would be listed via the website and announced with emails.  The campaign headquarters could also throw special "volunteer nights" (think David Englin's campaign in the 45th) where volunteers are rewarded with pizza or a special guest for doing a few hours of phonebanking or envelope stuffing.

#3.  As the good doctor said, this campaign needs to frame the debate and paint George Allen into a corner.  Now if you ask me, the way to do this is NOT with Iraq, but by showing George Felix Allen for what he really is....a wealthy, elitist, manicured mommas boy.  George Felix was shining his boots on a dude ranch while Jim Webb was six feet in the mud in the jungles of Vietnam.  George Felix has never seen a tax cut for the rich he didn't like, or a program for the poor that he didn't want to cut.  George Felix thinks its ok for your boss to organize with other bosses so their industry can get a tax break, but it's NOT ok for you and your coworkers to organize together to get a raise.  ...ok, you get the idea, i'm a big fan of the populist message ;-)

But regardless of the exact message Jim comes out with, he NEEDS to define one NOW, and pressure Allen to respond to HIM

One thing is plainly sure in this race folks.  We aren't going to outspend George Felix Allen.  And that means the Webb campaign is going to have to take risks.  It's not going to win with a "play it safe" Tim Kaine approach by being constantly on the defensive and praying that "the other camp blows it" with some Scott Howell Hitler ad

NOW is the time to kick some ass, take some names, and live up to that motto of "Born Fighting". 

Let's do it... 



Building a Dem Machine.. (drmontoya - 7/25/2006 12:19:17 PM)
I couldn't agree more with any of your points.

As far as the message, I think the economic fairness is one that hits home. One because I don't make that much money and understand the growing problem of increasing difference between classes.

Two, I think that we could be mar more effective than we have been thus far. So do many people here as well..

Over 70% of bloggers that have responded to my post agree that we need to take the fight to Allen now and not later.

It's all about controlling spin, and we do need money to get our message across the commonwealth.. but we have the internet and dedicated bloggers to assist.

If anyone near the Webb campaign has been reading what I have been talking about here, you would give me a call and ask me to help.

I may only be almost 23, but I know how we can win. And if you don't want to listen because of my age and inexperience of campaign politics.. then.. you really don't want to hear what all parties can bring to the table.

Myself and others are awaiting a measured response, not only to our concerns, but our offer, and our demand of increased pressure on the Allen camp.

Good post Jambon!