Why We (the people) Will Win

By: Todd Smyth
Published On: 7/23/2006 8:42:56 PM

It's not just because Right wing nuts like George Allen are so ashamed and afraid of their own party, they are flying false colors to confuse voters. It's not just because Republicans have embezzled $9 trillion dollars from our children by calling it "Tax Relief." It's not just because Republicans are bogged down in corruption indictments or because their fundraising has dried up. It's not just because they've expanded our government while promising smaller government or because they invade our privacy while talking about protecting it. It's not because Republicans have raised the abortion rate by at least 18% while calling Democrats "Baby Killers."

It's not just because Republicans promised to simplify the tax code and then tripled the complexity or because they have ignited the middle-east and doomed our children to a lifetime of terrorism. It's not just because Republicans ignore science and global warming or because they are turning our planet into a toxic wasteland. It's not just because Republicans have destroyed the reputation of the US around the world or because George Bush doing something stupid has become like "Old Faithful."

It's not just because Republicans are outsourcing our jobs and selling off America or because they have ignored important levees while building bridges to nowhere. It's not just because Republicans launched 135 congressional investigations against Bill Clinton's family cat and use of White House Christmas card list during eight years of peace and prosperity, balanced budgets and surplus spending which they have now reversed.

We the people will win this November because we have finally woken up and gotten our act together and realized grassroots politics is more effective than TV commercials. Reaching out and meeting people in our communities, talking to swing voters, signing up volunteers, registering new voters and raising small donations is the only way we will take back our country, restore our democracy and keep it.

The wealthy few who took over the Republican Party and took over our country are running out of dirty tricks. Their lies and scams are wearing thin and they are about to get a big surprise this November. Republicans have done a great job of turning "Politics" into a dirty word but "Politics" means "Community Business" and the community is taking that word back and taking back our country. Republicans have changed the word "Democracy" to mean "Corporations Rule" but "Democracy means "The people Rule" and the Democratic Party is the party of the people. Democrats have great candidates to vote for this November. So, get out and work your ass off for your local Democratic candidates and do everything you can to help them get elected.


Broken links (Kathy Gerber - 7/24/2006 12:33:19 AM)
All of the graphics links are broken in this story!

They should be working now. (Lowell - 7/24/2006 6:58:36 AM)
And the first one is clickable to "embiggen," as Waldo says... :)

COMMENT HIDDEN (I.Publius - 7/24/2006 6:48:03 AM)

Geez! (Left Wing - 7/24/2006 9:35:55 AM)
You sound quite intelligent until you pull out things like "it was Ray Nagins fault"! There is a difference between an 'excuse' and a 'reason'.  That's an 'excuse'!  The 'reason' Bush didn't respond is because he is an idiot!

If disaster should ever befall Richmond, I would certainly hope that Mayor Wilder would do his job.  But in the evident that he didn't, I would count on the Federal Goverment to take over IMMEDIATELY!

Let's say Nagin failed miserably (I don't think that...but let's say...) It took Bush FOUR days to figure that out!!!  How secure does that make you feel? 

They were right, you are a nut (Todd Smyth - 7/24/2006 12:27:55 PM)
Your Guttmacher link shows abortions went down under Clinton and leveled off in 2001 and then it ends and the CDC link shows the same but cuts off at 2000.

There was no burst in the surplus until Bush came in and pulled out all the stops and spent it on tax cuts.

"The feds gave him the money -- he squandered it"

Are you kidding?  You are saying the Federal Government gave a city mayor money to build a levee? Not even close.

Levee Funding Cut By $71 Million

Hurricane preparedness for New Orleans

Democrats will win unless... (Rebecca - 7/24/2006 1:32:51 PM)
The Repubs suppress the vote of blacks and minorities. They're working hard on that in several states right now.

Unless the voting machines flip the results in a number of close elections.

Unless you are not on you guard and believe none of these things happen.

I totally agree (Todd Smyth - 7/24/2006 2:40:58 PM)
I've just been emailing back and forth with someone on that.

In addition to voter machine fraud and vote tabulating fraud, Republicans attempt to suppress the vote overall through phony press releases, whisper campaigns and character assassination, they use caging lists, re-registering people into different precincts, destroying voter registration forms, misinformation in poor neighborhoods, moving polls close to election day, old ballot machines in poor and black neighborhoods that spoil votes, ballot checking machines in wealthy neighborhoods that allow wealthy voters to re-cast spoiled ballots, and police intimidation.

We have to stop all forms of voter fraud and the way to do it is not through the mainstream corporate media which is owned and operated by Republican benefactors.

The way to make people aware of the problem is to do it face-to-face and the way to make that happen is to build an army of volunteers and the way to do that is through campaigns and that is what we are doing in Virginia.

Our only chance to fix the problem is to pounce on the nexus between the failing Neocon agenda and a surging response from the people for change and that opportunity is this November.