Jim Webb Needs Money

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/23/2006 3:58:12 PM

Please give generously to Jim Webb today! Thanks.

Lowell Feld is Netroots Coordinator for the Jim Webb for US Senate Campaign.  The ideas expressed here belong to Lowell Feld alone, and do not necessarily represent those of Jim Webb, his advisors, staff, or supporters.


Was considering...but not after Reagan comments (Beachfool - 7/23/2006 4:26:18 PM)
Jimmy...I know you served in the Reagan administration but please stop praising the guy.  I was considering giving you money and had hopes that you were a progressive.  But after the debate I'm not so sure.  Do you really think the Reagan adminstration was one of the best ones.  Give me a break.  I won't go into all the scandals, the class divisions, the religious bigotry.  But TEND TO YOUR BASE and that base is liberal/progessives who for the most part didn't like the Reagan administration.

What should he have said? (phriendlyjaime - 7/23/2006 4:31:02 PM)
BC I ctually wasn't thrilled with that answer, but I am not going to stop donating time and $$ for that one answer.

He should have said the Kennedy administration (Beachfool - 7/23/2006 4:38:28 PM)
That was a softball question and he chose to take a wiff by saying Ronald Reagan.  He should have said the best administration was the Kennedy administration.  That would have hit the ball out of the park given the admiration of so many for JFK.

fundraising (hrconservative - 7/23/2006 4:57:24 PM)
This is like the 3rd call for fundraising on this site in about 2 weeks. People don't get paid every three days, Lowell.

We're going to be asking for money a lot (Lowell - 7/23/2006 5:02:27 PM)
So get used to it.

Ignore him and keep asking. The next couple months... (va.walter - 7/23/2006 5:03:52 PM)
fundraising may decide the election.

Believe me, I have no intention of paying attention (Lowell - 7/23/2006 5:08:24 PM)
to trolls.

spend spend spend (hrconservative - 7/23/2006 7:06:39 PM)
If people want to spend every two days on this failing campaign, that is fine.

Of course, people must not be spending on the campaign, what with that great fundraising machine Webb has been.

HA! Failed campaign (phriendlyjaime - 7/23/2006 7:11:40 PM)
would be Allen.  Let me remind you that compared to other politicos running for BOTH senate and POTUS, he is in the hole financially.  Even Hillary, who has a 70% chance of winning the senate seat (and NO-she is NOT my choice for POTUS) while Allen does NOT have a shoe in win, is kicking his ass BIG TIME.

12 million for both campaigns is a pathetic joke, and I will enjoy bleeding his $$.

Kennedy, Jackson, F. Roosevelt...to name a few. (va.walter - 7/23/2006 5:02:04 PM)
He sort of recovered in his rebuttal time by going back to Jackson.  He should have started with Jackson though since he has long touted himself to be a Jacksonian populist and continually mentioned his research about Jackson for his book.  Heck, he essentially said Jackson was the reason he returned to the Democratic party.  I was very surprised by the Reagan answer.  On the good side, I guess that's another example of Webb speaking his mind, not worrying about politics.

I didn't like the Reagan Administration either (Lowell - 7/23/2006 4:35:03 PM)
And, having lived through it, I certainly don't look back on it with any fondness (although it was better than the Bush disaster).  Having said that, I know that many people - including tens of millions of "Reagan Democrats" - do think highly of Reagan.  Also, I would point out that Jim Webb has said he admires Andrew Jackson and Harry Truman, two great Democrats.  In contrast, George Allen CLAIMS to be a Jeffersonian conservative, but he is NOT.  Anyway, don't get distracted from the main point here - electing a populist, socially libertarian Democrat who opposed the Iraq invasion in place of George "97% Bush Rubberstamp" Allen AND taking back the US Senate.  That's why we need your support.  Thanks.

Have fun keeping Allen in the Senate (Craig - 7/23/2006 4:45:44 PM)
Oh come on, do you really think none of those Kerry voters ever, ever thought fondly of Reagan?  Surely some of them must have.

Besides, I could care less what he was doing when I was five years old.

That's the problem. (I.Publius - 7/23/2006 7:31:48 PM)
Jimmy's trying to have it both ways.  The Webb strategy apparently consists of:

1) Hoping that liberal voters will hate Allen sufficiently that they have no choice but to vote for Webb regardless of what he says,

2) Saying just enough of what liberal donors want to hear so they'll give him money,


3) Staying far enough to the right so that Allen can't call him a liberal.

Basically, he's trying to be all things to all voters.

Every time you say Jimmy (Alicia - 7/23/2006 10:24:56 PM)
it reminds me of Webb son who's going to Ramadi, Iraq.  Tough place.  I wish him well.

Webb has guts (Nick Stump - 7/23/2006 8:45:19 PM)
I find Jim Webb very refreshing.  He doesn't suck up to the base and he tells the truth.  Who are you gonna give money to--Allen?  We need to work hard to get Webb elected.  He's the real thing.  Beachfool you really need to get some historical perspective on this deal. It was Democrats who elected Reagan, so evidently there were a bunch of us who liked him.  I was sick when Reagan was elected.  But I understand why Jim Webb and a lot of Democrats left the party.  The liberal base of our party treated veterans like dogs when we came home and I'm not talking about spitting. I'm talking about jobs and opportunities that were flat closed to you if you were a Vietnam Vet. Talk about class divisions--that was a big one.  I went to Vietnam a Democrat and came back a radical, but in college classrooms and on job interviews, I was just another whacked out baby-killer. 

Webb's not going to jump though every liberal hoop we hold up and he's not so calculating to answer the question any way but honestly.  Good for him.  Jim's gonna bring those Reagan Dems back home to the party that wants and needs them.  We liberals--I'm not afraid to use the word, should stand up with him and support him in every way we can.  I've heard Bill Clinton and other Democrats speak well of Reagan.  I never cared for him, but compared to George Bush and George Allen, Ronald Reagan looks like George Washington. More importantly Reagan is dead. Lets not bury our party arguing about him.

  Democrats need to start looking at the big picture and maybe we'll win a race or two.  We have a wonderful opportunity here and this nit-picking is no way to win. So Webb liked Reagan.  Webb did a good job while he was in the Reagan Administration.  He was a fine Sec of Navy and left that office over principle.  We need more men and women with true principle in office. 

I hope you change your mind and give to Jim.  He needs the money and you can see by the republican trolls actions here, they're scared to death.

I'll keep saying it.  This Virginia race is the most important race in the country this fall.  Webb gets all my donation budget this fall.  I don't live in Virgina, but I see this  one race as the very keystone to rebuilding the Democratic party.  We tore our party apart over the last few years with single issues. And the Republicans stood back and picked us off one by one.  It's time to come together and return the party to it's populist roots.  Jim Webb is the man who can do more for that objective than anyone in the country. Give til it hurt.  It's gonna take money to win.

Jim Webb is Worth the Time & Money one has to give! (Tony Mastalski - 7/23/2006 5:37:47 PM)
First off ... Thanks Lowell for pursuing net roots fund raising on Jim's behalf. It's of great benefit to the campaign and people should be thrilled that we actually have a candidate - YOU'RE PROUD to VOTE FOR!!  That would not have happened without your involvement Lowell, on the front end and throughout ... So many thanks!!

As to the Beach Fool who wants to lecture a candidate and campaign about Regan Democrats or that presidency ... and use it as an excuse not to contribute.... you really need to do some soul searching about your politics.

I was at the debate ... the comments from both candidates were tending to the middle ground. Aw shucks George Allen in a very earnest and gee-fella kind of way played down his ideological extremism and kowtowing to the Bush league .... hoping people are fooled by the Jefferson / Regan managing from the middle mantra. ... Webb who actually worked for the guy (indirectly - through much admired Cap Wienberger) ... stole that debate point. Now this may seem like an insult to you as part of that "I need to be rallied party base" ... but it's a freaking brilliant tactic here in the Republican dominated land of the 1st Congressional District.

If you follow Google News ... we'll keep noting Letters to the Editor (LTEs) emanating from the Freelance Star and Republicans ... would are currently 5 to 1 for Webb.  You don't have to be a Beach Fool to know that this middle ground of independents and moderate republicans is where we'll WIN the ELECTION!! 

So Beach Fool grab a Corona ... change your latitude ... support the Democratic party candidate whom John Kerry supports / endorsed ... and actually feel like a progressive democrat for a change (instead of LITMUS Test democrat).  Webb is a real contender ... is really concerned about the poor and middle class and will do a LOT OF GOOD for the Democratic Party. This is for real .... but that also means the campaign needs committed people who put their money where their mouth is ....

Speaking of mouths ... enjoy the Corona!

Great comment, Tony (Lowell - 7/23/2006 5:47:41 PM)

Progressive democrats DON'T SUPPORT REAGAN (Beachfool - 7/23/2006 6:47:23 PM)
I'll say it one more time....true progressive democrats don't support Reagan.  Give me a break. 

Now I certainly understand that there are lot of Reagan democrats out there that deserve to be courted...and should be courted.  But there are many different ways of doing that.  If Webb really believes that Reagan administration was one of the best, he has lost this vote.  If he doesn't really believe it and is only saying it because that's what the thousands of Reagan democrats in VA want...well, he lost my vote there too.  If he just misspoke and made a mistake, well that's another matter.

Great (phriendlyjaime - 7/23/2006 7:00:22 PM)
One issue sends you running to either vote for Allen, or not vote.  Both bad for the Democratic party.

Yes, how DARE we be the big tent party and invite Reagan Dems to stand with us.  We should just ignore them, and only go after the "progressive Democratic" vote.

Real "progresive" of you-segregation.

Do you not read...I said they should be courted (Beachfool - 7/23/2006 7:20:22 PM)
Not sure if you get past the first sentence or not, but if you read the entire post, you'll see that I said that Reagan democrats should be courted. 

But there are a million different ways to court Reagan democrats without giving up your core beliefs.  If he doesn't realy believe Reagn is the best and is just pandering to them, well, i'm really disappointed.  Again, since maybe you read the first sentence and maybe the last, i'll say it again, Reagan democrats should be courted, but don't sell out doing it.

WOW. (phriendlyjaime - 7/23/2006 7:32:07 PM)
A bit rude, aren't we?  Obviously I can read...since I am replying to you.

Though I don't really know why....

I would also point out that Webb praised (Lowell - 7/24/2006 5:44:21 AM)
the Clinton economic record and said that the Senate would have been a lot better place with Chuck Robb in it.  Many times previously, Webb has spoken admiringly of Harry Truman and JFK.  At the debate, he mentioned FDR approvingly, as well as Andrew Jackson.  As far as Reagan is concerned, obviously Webb admires the man and has warm personal memories of his own time as Navy Secretary.  In addition, Webb probably believes that Reagan helped restore American pride and military power after the Carter Presidency.  I would alss note that Webb's said many times that he never was with the entire right-wing  agenda, on social issues for instance, of the Reagan Administration.  To me, all this is more than enough to not just support Jim Webb, but to ENTHUSIASTICALLY do so.  And this is coming from someone (me) who thinks the Reagan Presidency was a disaster in almost every way...

Put Your Thinking Cap On (Nick Stump - 7/24/2006 6:29:33 PM)
Who are you going to vote for?  It's Webb or Allen.  If you stay home, you're just handing a silent vote to Allen.  This is the very way Democrats lose races.  Step up and help Webb win this thing.  He's a good progressive leader.  Don't pick out one sentence and form an opinion.  Look at the whole man.  You have the best candidate in the country.  Do the right thing for your party and help Jim go to Washington. 

forgive me for pointing out... (Craig - 7/24/2006 1:19:55 AM)
...that that was, oh, only 25 YEARS AGO!

Sorry, but come on man, I have a lot of ex-Republican friends who, despite being Democrats now, still admire Barry Goldwater.  Should we expel them, or tell them they can't run?

If Webb says he's a Democrat and goes out into the public forum to say so, then I'd believe him till he actually demonstrably acts otherwise.

Besides, like I said upthread, do you really think that none of Reagan's voters have defected leftward over the last quarter century?  I mean they must have: Massachusetts went from 51-48 Republican to 60-35 Democrat.  Some of those Democrats voted Reagan I bet.

True Progressive Democrats? (Tony Mastalski - 7/23/2006 7:59:35 PM)
Excuse Me ... but Beachfool ... who should I listen to ... what dictionary should I read that defines a "true progressive democrat". Daily Kos? Raising Kaine? Beachfool?

Am I to be TOLD what defines a progressive Democrat???  Now I'm insulted.

You want to fight over this point .... of what a true progessive democrat should be and say. You seem to want to put your words in the candidate's mouth. Why I don't know.

Jim Webb has a history that he can be very proud of. His resume of accomplishments are extraordinary. His journey in life has led him to this point (from a political point of view - specifcally studying his heritage and thinking about what he wants to stand for) .... And you get all beer pissed over his praise of Regan.

Now I didn't vote for Regan myself ... I wasn't comfortable with him for different reasons ... but I served as a Marine Corps officer through out that Cold War period because I have this whole "liberty" thing going on and I saw  global Communism as the single biggest threat to that during my young liberal life time  ..... Ronald Regan is credited with accelerating the demise of the Soviet Union ..... at this point in my life it doesn't really matter. It's all history ... so if Jim Webb said he admired Regan for providing a vision and finding the right people for getting it done ... that's just fine with me.

Contrast this to GW Bush who drew some very good people to his presidency and then ignored (or worse VILLIFIED) them in a NeoCon quest. 

Again I think you need to crack open a Corona (or whatever chills you) ... crank up some Bruce Springsteen  (Pete Seeger Sessions) and think about what this Jim Webb candidacy is all about ....

Specifically ... it's about core democratic values and populism that transcend party politics as usual and common definition schemes ....

If you don't want to contribute fine ... go neutral.  But don't bitch about righteousness when another Mercedes Benz CL goes driving by with a George Allen bumper sticker on it.

Best regards .... I wish I was a beachin fool .... TMan

I won't be staying home...but (Beachfool - 7/23/2006 8:05:58 PM)
Well, you can probably guess which part of VA I live in and if you are familiar with politicsdown here, you know we have a fight on our hands down here in Va. Beach.  But I won't be staying home.  Just not sure what races I'll vote in yet.

Senate vote (hrconservative - 7/23/2006 8:12:23 PM)
You can vote in Gail Parker for Senate. or, you can write in this guy: http://www.thankcook.com/senate.html

Beach Fools are Key (Tony Mastalski - 7/23/2006 8:21:06 PM)
Hey ... this IS a campaign to get excited about!!  And Virginia Beach has a great crowd of passionate people and will pull for Webb ... the campaign is going to focus on it.

You just have to get comfortable with people you might have thought were on the other side. There will be a lot of them. Nobody ... but nobody likes Bush. Especially military folks... they are not stupid.

When campaigning Webb challenged George Allen to go around the state with Dick Cheney .... Allen retorted if you will with John Kerry ... Webb said that was fine ...

The BIG congratulatory stop by at Webb's primary election was none other than John Kerry .... and I expect that good list to grow.

So yeah man ... get fired up this election will be a hum-dinger!

Well....This Senate race (Nick Stump - 7/24/2006 6:34:33 PM)
is a pretty important race to consider voting in, my friend. If you're a true progressive, you'll probably want to have a Democrat instead of a Republican--especially if the Republican is George Allen.  This is a no-brainer.

Has anyone on this site agreed with Jimmy's comment (Beachfool - 7/24/2006 7:47:29 PM)
If you step back a second, notice that everyone who defends Webb and his Reagan comment prefaces their remarks with the fact that they didn't like Reagan either.  In fact, can someone post who agrees with Jim and his Reagan comment.  Just one person. 

My point is that true progressives don't like Reagan...and this very point is evident by people who have posted to my orignal comment.  The people who have disagreed with me about his Reagan comment don't like Reagan either.

But Jim Webb does and that's not really the values I share.