How do you spell VICTORY?

By: Nichole
Published On: 7/14/2006 8:38:38 AM

The latest AP-Ipsos poll conducted this past week shows that Democrats have the clear advantage going into the mid-term elections.

Here is my secret recipe for a hot plate of victory:
-1/2 cup of Bush's low approval ratings 
-1/4 cup of low approval ratings for Congress
-A tablespoon of the historical trends of a six year president losing party seats
-1/4 cup of Jim Webb

you end up with a hot plate of yummy VICTORY.

Poll Results:
-"The AP-Ipsos survey asked 789 registered voters if the election for the House were held today, would they vote for the Democratic or Republican candidate in their district. Democrats were favored 51 percent to 40 percent."
-81% of liberals stated they would vote Dem
-56% of moderates stated they would vote Dem
-24% of conservatives stated they would vote Dem.

And the best news for the Democratic Party?

The undecided voters look to be breaking for the Democrats.

"Democrats also held the advantage among persuadable voters +óGé¼GÇ¥ those who are undecided or wouldn't say whom they prefer. A total of 51 percent said they were leaning Democrat, while 41 percent were leaning Republican."

What do you think this poll means for the November elections?



Love it! (phriendlyjaime - 7/14/2006 9:11:16 AM)
Thanks Nichole!  :)

Informative and phunny!

Thanks! (Nichole - 7/14/2006 9:57:28 AM)
Now let's get a kick ass recipe for winning in 08!

Great News for Dems! Bad News for Them! (David M - 7/14/2006 10:49:29 AM)
Excellent post, this was the first news I read before I got out of bed this morning. Yes, my laptop is my morning cup of Joe and hooked to the bedside.

The numbers couldn't look better, but we still have plenty of ground to Republicans are going to have to rely on their dirtiest tricks ever: a trapped rat always leads with its teeth.

Exactly (Nichole - 7/14/2006 11:12:01 AM)
We have to kepe out eyes and ears open at all times!

We can win this, and I know we will prevail!

We can not take our eyes off the prize!!! (DeanFC - 7/15/2006 10:51:20 PM)
This is all well and good but the only poll that counts is the poll on election day.  Democrats cannot get lulled into thinking that this years elections will be a cake walk.  The other side will work hard to get people out to vote for them.  We have seen in Virginia how outside money can come in and win an election.  Our candidates need to get out and work harder than ever.  They need to be everywhere and meet as many people as possible.  In today's climate it is the person that people are willing to vote for not the party.  Let's work hard in every corner of every state and let the citizenry know who and what democratic candidates are all about.