Kaine: "Leadership and Vision, not Fear and Division"

By: Lowell
Published On: 2/6/2005 2:00:00 AM

At the Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner in Richmond last night, Democratic Lt. Governor candidate Tim Kaine, who RaisingKaine spoke with (his eyes lit up when he saw the "RaisingKaine" logo on our business cards, by the way), gave a rousing speech and emphasized the following points:

  • Democrats are coming back in Virginia, in the aftermath of Mark Warner's victory in 2001, as well as picking up seats in special elections for a change. In sum, "This is a state where Democrats are alive and well!"
  • Democrats have proven they can govern the state well, and this has implications for the Democrats both within Virginia and nationally
  • What Democrats have shown in Virginia is that they are a) fiscally responsible (even after the Republicans have driven the state into a financial ditch),  b) willing to "buckle down" and make hard decisions while investing to build Virginia's economy; c) the "pro-business" party that will keep the Virginia business climate strong; d) truly "uniters not dividers," unlike the Republicans who merely say they are while pitting urban vs. rural, black vs. white, nonbelievers vs. believers, etc.; e) pro-faith and pro-family ("Religious faith is at the core of my life")
  • He will not cede the label of the "faith and values party" to the Republicans, and that Democrats need to connect with voters in that way.
  • It is important not to trash the "religious right," but to criticize bad ideas instead.
  • Although he has been attacked by his opponent for his religious beliefs, Kaine  is "not changing my beliefs...I'm proud of who I am." 
  • He is not going to "stand by while I'm attacked" and is not afraid of attacks from his opponent
  • Jerry Kilgore has not shown leadership on fiscal matters, trying to scuttle a bipartisan budget deal that even his own twin brother supported ("Is that leadership?", Kaine asks rhetorically)
  • His campaign is about "Leadership and Vision, not Fear and Division"
  • "Education is the key to success in life," which is why Kaine has visited 116 out of 134 cities and counties in Virginia to talk about education. Meanwhile, "Kilgore fought K-12 and higher education funding."
  • Democrats are about being "humble," plus "extending a helping hand, not handouts," as he learned during his year in Honduras with Father Patricio.  "This race is about giving."
  • This is going to be a hard race, but "nothing good in life is easy."  Kaine added that "I've always been the underdog but I've never lost" and that "I'm not going to lose this [race] with your help."

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